A NEW tiny home village has offered residents a great rental deal with utilities included, but they must take three crucial steps first.
The community comes courtesy of Black Diamond Development, which is completing construction this month before opening in May.
Prospective renters across the country can settle in the quaint village built in Shawnee, Ohio, about 65 miles southeast of Columbus, within the Wayne National Forest, by AOL.
Jazzma Quinn, a spokesperson for the company, explained to the publication that they have already attracted many enthusiastic small business owners to fill available positions once the project is complete.
The opening takes place in three phases across the property in Shawnee, with 15 spaces available starting May 31, 15 more at an unspecified later date, and then a final 30 spaces to complete the village.
Anyone who comes to the second phase of 15 places will have to wait until May 2025, according to Jazzma.
The same goes for the 30 finalists, as she clarified that it would be a total of three years of development for Black Diamond Development.
Many are flying fast too.
The first 15 lots have already been rented by retailers, with opening scheduled for May 31, and the remaining 45 are on the waiting list.
Jazzma attributed the small home village’s rapid popularity to its affordable rent of just $400 per month, with necessary utilities included.
“Our goal is to create a community of tiny homes that are permanent year-round residences,” she told AOL.
“We are able to do this by providing our residents with what they need: access to sewage and water, public services, garbage collection and we maintain the grounds.”
Not only that, but Black Diamond Developments also took over and remodeled the Dishon buildings and created the Black Diamond Tavern in Shawnee, ideally making shopping and healthcare easily accessible.
They also created a workspace for those who need internet access to work remotely from their tiny homes in the community.
“With the restoration of the Dishon buildings, one thing we are doing is a coworking space,” Jazzma said.
“Our residents can walk from their small home village to their workplace and have access to high-speed internet.”
“We are really adding a community that has never existed before,” she continued.
Jazzma explained that the company worked with Shawnee employees throughout the process to create a space within the forest that was environmentally conscious and provided a lifestyle that smallholders would desire.
With a waiting list already established for the remaining 45 spaces, prospective tenants must act quickly if they want to live at The Black Diamond Tiny Home Village.
First, they will need to go into the community website to learn more about the area and note that only the land is rented.
The tiny homes themselves are brought in by renters or built by companies like Modern Tiny Living, a vendor that works with the developer.
Pets are also allowed if requested and approved.
Second, those interested in staying in the community would need to specify how long they would like the rental to last.
While $500 per month is the going rate for placements of 12 months or less, a $400 discount may be available for 13 months or more.
Black Diamond Developments also clarified that the rent is all-inclusive, including trash and recycling services and all utilities.
The third and final step in the process is to make a deposit of $500 and reserve it.
A deposit request is listed on the small home village’s website.
For more related content, check out The US Sun’s coverage of a small, rent-free residential village that requires tenants to meet at least six key requirements.
The US Sun also tells the story of a retired doctor who built a small village with many amenities.
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story