
‘Check your receipts,’ warns burger joint Chick-fil-A after noticing an extra fee on your bill — it wasn’t just charged for the food

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A CHICK-FIL-A customer was furious to discover she had been charged an additional fee on her order.

Taking to TikTok, the Philadelphia fast-food lover called out the chain and asked fellow Chick-fil-A customers to check their receipts.

A Chick-fil-A customer raged at the company for charging extra for a mobile order


A Chick-fil-A customer raged at the company for charging extra for a mobile orderCredit: TikTok/_staylina
The TikToker was charged an additional $0.10 for the paper bag containing her chips and drinks (stock image)


The TikToker was charged an additional $0.10 for the paper bag containing her chips and drinks (stock image)Credit: Alamy

“COUNT YOUR DAYS CFA,” wrote @_staylina in the caption for her video rant.

In the clip, she called the chain “out of control” for charging an additional $0.10 with your cell phone order.

“I place an order on my cell phone, just fries and a drink. Why the hell was I charged for the bag?” the TikToker fumed.

“What’s next? Are you going to charge me for the bag of chips?

“You’re going to charge me for potatoes? You’re going to charge me to park in your parking lot? Like, what’s next?”

The angry customer showed a photo of receipt of her online order, confirming the additional cost of the paper bag her food was in.

“I’m tired of this… You guys start looking at your receipts,” she told viewers.

“Try to see if you are being charged for your bags because… I buy in stores where you go shopping in those prohibited bags, but this is food.

“What am I supposed to do? Leave holding on? Like, what do you want? I can’t – I’m so angry.”

In the comments, she added that the app didn’t ask if she wanted a bag for her food and Chick-fil-A “just added it” to her order.

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Other lovers of the Georgia-based chain were shocked by the decision, calling it “crazy.”

“It’s crazy, they charged. You got a paper bag. Supermarkets charge for plastic bags, but this is ridiculous,” wrote one.

“I don’t mind paying for bags and cups if it keeps food prices down, but 10 cents for 1 bag is ridiculous,” said another.

“People will say it’s just a penny, but adding up all the customers, it’s profit now rather than helping the experience.”

“Packaging is the cost of doing business, it should be included in the price of the meal, but there is no reason for these exorbitant prices and fees. As you said, everything is profit when you charge 10 cents”, wrote a third.

The US Sun has reached out to Chick-fil-A for comment.


Several US states have enforced reusable bag laws to reduce the use of single-use plastics.

Pennsylvania, where the TikToker is based, is one of those states, following its launch in January.

Under the new law, businesses must charge at least $0.10 for paper and reusable bags.

Which states ban single-use plastic bags?

More than 500 municipalities in 28 states had plastic bag legislation in effect as of 2021. Additionally, the following states have enforced strict rules against retailers distributing single-use plastics to shoppers.

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Maine
  • New Jersey
  • new York
  • Oregon
  • Rhodes Island
  • Vermont
  • washington

Source: World Economic Forum

Other states impose a ban on single-use plastic bags, including California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine and New York.

It’s not just Chick-fil-A that’s facing backlash for following these waste laws.

Last month, The US Sun reported how Starbucks customers are furious about a new packaging change affecting their drinks.

The coffee chain is using fiber-based compostable cups with dome-shaped lids for its drinks in 24 stores that fall under plastic waste laws.

Meanwhile, Kroger upset shoppers by removing handles from its bags.

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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