Tensions are growing between the Green Team and the Black Team in Dragon House, and as the threat of war hangs over Westeros, Rhaenyra Targaryen (Emma D’Arcy) is working against the hasty suggestions of the men of her council. She resists her advisors’ proposals and puts her children’s safety first. In episode 3, we see Rhaenyra sit down with her stepdaughter Rhaena Targaryen (Phoebe Campbell) and task her with taking Rhaenyra’s three children to safety on Pentos. At first, Rhaena feels that the task at hand is not as important as going into battle with her sister and the others, until she is told that she would also travel with four dragon eggs, which are “the hope for the future.”
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The chest containing the dragon eggs is opened and we see three eggs that The Game of Thrones fans may recognize: one green, one black, and one gold. Episode 3 director Geeta Vasant Patel spoke to Mashable and confirmed that the eggs featured in last night’s episode are in fact those given to Daenerys in the pilot episode of The Game of Thrones by Master Illyrio Mopatis (Roger Allam) after she marries Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa). “All of us who work on this program are great The Game of Thrones fans, so it was really exciting to film that scene,” she says.
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Events taking place in Dragon House are different from the book on which it is based. In George R.R. Martin Fire and Bloodthe eggs were stolen by a noblewoman named Elissa Farman during the reign of Jaehaerys I. Elissa, the lover of Princess Rhaena Targaryen (not to be confused with Rhaena of Dragon House, different generations), sailed to Braavos where he sold the eggs to pay for his travels. Per Mashable, The eggs’ journey to Illyrio Mopatis is not detailed in detail, but it is theorized that they were continually sold until they reached him.
Now that Patel has confirmed this major plot point, viewers can start theorizing about what happens to the fourth egg. One major theory that has emerged: that he becomes Rhaena’s dragon.
This story originally appeared on Time.com read the full story