FAMILY Feud host Steve Harvey called his own game show ridiculous.
The host was perplexed by the contestant’s response, which turned out to be good.
On Wednesday, Family Feud shared a clip from the show to your Instagram page.
Steve, 67, asked contestant Mandi: “What would Superman take off his cap to do?”
Mandi stuttered a bit until she found an answer.
“He would take off his cape to… go to a charity event,” she said, laughing.
Steve asked Mandi to clarify her answer.
She explained that when he went out in public he would take off his cape because he is not Superman.
Steve turned to the producers and asked if they made it.
“I have no idea what she’s talking about,” he said.
Mandi didn’t believe her answer and said, “Show us the X.”
To everyone’s surprise, an answer appeared on the board.
It said, “Dress like Clark Kent,” which totaled five points.
Mandi and her teammates cheered while Steve was shocked.
After coming to his senses, he said, “This is the most ridiculous game on television.”
Fans were shocked by the response, but also impressed.
This is the most ridiculous game on television
Steve Harvey
“Hey, you have to respect accidental victories,” said one Instagram user.
“That WAS NOT the answer she had in mind,” said another fan.
“I knew what she meant,” added a third.
“But this show,” said another fan.
In February, Steve called a contestant stupid for his response.
On another Instagram videoSteve asked the contestants to “name something you would never do again if your wife didn’t make you do it.”
Contestant Kyle quickly rang the bell.
He replied, “Get married.”
Steve, the audience and other players were shocked by Kyle’s response.
Kyle’s wife, Carla, shouted from across the room, “I didn’t force him to get married.”
“It’s okay, Carla,” Steve replied.
He then turned to Kyle and said, “Don’t you believe how stupid you are?”
Despite his answer being on the board, Kyle’s wife rejected him when he returned to his seat.
This story originally appeared on read the full story