The WHEEL Of Fortune contestant revealed she has been trying to win for 28 years on Saturday’s episode.
Tracy struck gold after answering the final puzzle correctly and winning after nearly three decades of trying.
Pat Sajak asked Tracy how long she had been trying to win the show.
“20 years ago,” Tracy replied before quickly correcting herself.
“I take back what I said. 28 years ago, I tried at 20.”
“Wow,” Pat responded before adding, “But haven’t you been trying all these 20 years?”
“Periodically I would update my information and I am here through faith and perseverance,” Tracy continued.
“I did it,” she shouted and the crowd erupted in applause.
“We were waiting for you,” Pat replied.
Pat joked that he told producers he wouldn’t leave until Tracy finally came on the show.
Tracy responded by cheering and thanking Pat.
A short clip of the pair’s interaction was uploaded to WOF’s Instagram, where fans flooded the comments with thanks to Tracy.
“I’m so happy she won, she deserved to wait 28 years and I loved the comment that Pat said I’m not leaving until Tracy gets here. God bless Tracy and Pat Sajak,” one fan wrote.
“28 years old! She looks 20! Wow,” added another.
“She was so sweet. Happy to have won,” noted a third.
“So beautiful, so happy she won so much too!! Never give up!! Your persistence paid off!” said a fourth.
Tracy had a tough game, but managed to get into the Winner’s Circle, where she brought her daughter and brother to watch the final puzzle.
She gave the wheel a medium spin and walked to the board where Pat revealed that she chose the phrase as her category.
“You chose RSTLNE,” Pat announced as the chart filled out.
Tracy then decided to add F, K, P and I to fill out the picture even more.
All good things are worth waiting for
Pat SajakWheel of Fortune
“For what it’s worth,” Tracy quickly shouted after her time began.
The crowd started cheering and Tracy did a celebratory dance.
Pat slowly opened the envelope to reveal that he had won a Ford car.
Tracy started screaming and jumping before her family rushed over to hug her tightly.
His prize was worth more than $51,000 and Tracy quickly took control.
“All good things are worth waiting for,” Pat added.
This story originally appeared on read the full story