The Price is Right has just asked its first contestant to leave the stage at an awkward moment.
The contestant set a record, spinning the wheel numerous times on the game show, before failing to advance to the next round.
Competitor Elvira spun the wheel slightly and landed on number 65 for her first spin.
Normally it would be a great first round, but The Price is Right host Drew Carey told her that didn’t count.
“The wheel has to turn at least once,” he said.
She spun again, without even getting past 65, and landed at 45.
“Here. Let me help you,” Drew, 65, said.
With Drew’s help, Elvira landed on 75 and he told her she would do one more lap.
He tried to help her again, but she said yes and Drew walked away.
The spin fell between the numbers, so it didn’t count.
When Elvira spun for the fifth and final time, she fell in 40, passing 100 and being eliminated.
Drew shook her hand and thanked her for coming before escorting her off the stage.
Fans pointed out the woman’s mistake on X, formerly Twitter.
“There was only one woman on The Price is Right who couldn’t turn the wheel completely and after 4 times they gave up and asked her to leave hahaha!” user X wrote.
“Did they really leave? I’m on mute,” replied a fan.
“Yes! Then he was politely asked to leave the stage and in the Mother’s Day edition,” the original poster responded.
The wheel has to spin at least once
Drew Careytelling a contestant who has spun the wheel five times
“This is epic. How do you go on the show and be told FOUR times to spin it correctly and don’t! Crazy,” the fan responded.
“Painful,” another pretended. “Was their last round complete?”
To this, the original poster said no.
“Insanity! It was embarrassingly painful to watch! #fail #tpir,” said the responder.
Earlier this week, The Price is Right fans berated a contestant for making a stupid offer.
About halfway through Tuesday’s episode, Drew called Nicholas from the audience to try and get to the main games.
“Welcome to the show, good luck,” he said to Nicholas as he made his way to the empty podium.
He and three other contestants had to guess the price of a set of workout equipment.
The objective was to place a bid that came closest to the actual price of the item, without exceeding the value.
Nicholas was the first to bid and shocked everyone with his price.
“I’m going to say $1 million,” he said into the microphone.
The crowd, which normally makes noise and applauds, remained completely silent.
“Seriously?” Drew asked.
“Yes. It looks like a good piece of equipment,” Nicholas replied.
“We can put a million in there if you want,” Drew said, trying to give him a chance to change his mind.
Nicholas didn’t change his mind and the number struggled to fit on the podium screen.
He was obviously way over the top, as the retail price of the items was $1,798.
Fans commented on the shocking moment on Reddit.
“I wish they could send someone like that back to the public,” one said.
One fan said Nicholas made the “stupidest offer ever.”
“The best part was that the audience sat in silence. They knew a clown when they saw one,” added a third.
This story originally appeared on read the full story