STEVE Harvey was censored by Family Feud after imitating a contestant’s response.
He said it was the “worst answer ever given” on the game show.
Steve, 67, asked the contestant: “Name someone you don’t mind undressing in front of.”
The contestant, Kate, responded immediately.
“My children,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “My children.”
Steve laughed and said, “Hey kids. How are you?”
He pretended to unbutton his shirt and then open it.
Family Feud jokingly censored Steve down to his ankles even though he was still fully clothed.
“Yes. What’s going on?” Steve said, pretending to stand there with an open robe.
“How was school today?”
When he was done, Steve turned to Kate and said, “You’re going to put your kids in therapy, I’m warning you.”
Kate shook her head and said they were babies.
To Steve’s surprise, her answer was on the board and he said, “I don’t know how the hell that happened, because let me tell you, that’s the worst answer you could give.”
He shook his head as the contestants laughed.
‘I CAN’T!’
Earlier this week, Steve struggled to find an answer to a competitor’s response.
He asked contestant Scott to name a state with the letter “Y”.
You’re going to put your kids in therapy, I’m telling you
Steve Harvey
On a TikTok clipthe contestant was unable to find a correct answer.
“Florida,” Scott said.
After the doorbell rang, Steve burst out laughing and nearly fell to the floor.
“I’ll be with you,” he howled.
“I can’t think of any either!”
“I really can’t,” the host confessed.
The clip was edited in black and white and the word “Failed” appeared over a laughing Steve.
Steve gets the brunt of all the antics on Family Feud.
Last week, he begged for help when two contestants messed with him.
The host invited two people from the winning team to join him on Fast Money.
Jenni and her sister joined Steve in the center of the room and immediately began dancing around him.
Steve told the contestants to go to the right.
Jenni held the host’s hand and moved as Steve guided them to his side.
However, he didn’t like Jenni holding his hand and threw it away from him, looking irritated.
Steve then got between the sisters, and they messed with him.
Jenni’s sister got out of the way and left her there to mess with the presenter alone.
Steve turned away from the competitor and mouthed “help” to the team.
The clip ended and the word “BANNED” appeared on the screen in red.
This story originally appeared on read the full story