FORMER TV star Joy-Anna Duggar shared a shocking event that happened to her family in a recent YouTube video.
Every week, the former Counting On star shares updates about her life, her husband Austin Forsyth, 30, and their three children Gideon, six, Evelyn, three, and Gunner, one.
At Fridays videoJoy-Anna, 26, began the video by explaining that she was taking her children to a youth camp to help out.
She explained that it was a “highlight” of her children’s year.
The first half of the vlog showed the three little ones doing fun summer activities, including jumping on a trampoline, driving and washing an ATV, and swimming in a lake.
In the next clip, Joy-Anna talked about taking her youngest son to the hospital.
The former TV personality welcomed Gunner on May 17, 2023.
Before explaining what happened, Joy-Anna admitted that she was thinking about sharing the story, but confirmed that her family was safe.
She began the story by explaining that she was feeding Gunner part of her dinner when the accident happened.
Joy-Anna allowed Gunner to bite and chew a piece of ham, but accidentally took too much and started choking.
“I was so physically tired that emotionally I was tired. I was crying at this point and [I was] hit him on the back,” she explained.
She went on to say that if she’s ever in a stressful situation she knows exactly what to do, but when she’s with Austin she admitted that she “doesn’t have to be so strong.”
Austin is a paramedic and is trained for medical issues that may arise.
“I just handed Gunner over to Austin and started crying.
“All these ‘what ifs’ come to mind immediately. [Gunner] I vomited several times [and] I hadn’t vomited the ham yet and I was choking and not breathing for 20 seconds.
“Afterwards he was able to breathe shallowly but was still struggling and was lethargic.
I was crying out to God like ‘Please save him’ and I never got to a point where I thought I was going to lose one of my children.
Joy-Anna DuggarYouTube
“We decided to get in the car and go to the hospital.”
On the way to the emergency room, Joy and Austin were considering letting Gunner sleep, thinking it would reset his body.
Joy-Anna kept an eye on her one-year-old son and timed his breathing.
“There were a few moments on the trip where he stopped breathing and I was crying out to God like ‘Please save him’ and I never got to a point where I thought I was going to lose one of my children.
“It was like that thought that he was going to die came to mind and it was scary.”
In the video, Joy-Anna had tears streaming down her face as she continued her scary story.
Once Gunner started breathing again, the terrified parents felt a bit of relief.
At the hospital, the nurses explained that his breathing was better and his levels looked good, but they still wanted to do an X-ray to be safe.
Fortunately, Joy-Anna explained that while taking the x-rays, Gunner started acting like himself, smiling and laughing.
“I was so thankful that God protected him and that we got to the hospital and that whatever was in his throat wasn’t bothering him anymore.”
When the doctor came back with the x-ray results, they revealed that everything looked clear, but they needed to keep an eye on him over the next few days.
Joy-Anna confirmed that Gunner is fine and back to normal.
“It was so crazy and a rollercoaster of emotions that day.
“After something like this, I feel like you really [need to] Hug your babies a little tighter.”
This story originally appeared on read the full story