Former New York Housewife star Dorinda Medley knows how to clean up messy homes and relationships.
After all, she is famous for her past relationship with John Mahdessian – as well as her hosting skills.
Dorinda’s Berkshires mansion, Bluestone Manor, has been the backdrop for many Housewives moments — but perhaps the biggest drama of all has been her ongoing love saga with Mahdessian.
As the third generation owner of the renowned cleaning and restoration company Madame PauletteYour ex-boyfriend also knows a thing or two about dealing with messes.
So it should come as no surprise that their connection began with their shared love of cleaning.
It seemed like talking to get rid of dirt marks was what made her swoon over the stain removal titan.
Read more at Dorinda Medley
“I think I fell in love with John Medessian because he talked about blemishes on our second date and somehow I found that very sexy and comforting,” she told The US Sun.
Originally founded by her uncle, New York-based couture cleaning lady Madame Paulette has helped restore everything from Princess Diana’s dresses to Joe DiMaggio’s original baseball jersey.
Speaking of stains, Dorinda also shared some of her favorite products for getting out even those hard-to-remove wine and coffee stains.
One of your secret stain-removing weapons in your cleaning arsenal is an all-purpose mist.
The reality TV star raved about how the $5 Clorox Clorox Cleanser + Bleach “removes all stains”, especially on carpets.
“You spill red wine and think you’re doomed, so I love a good stain remover and this is the best,” she said.
“We’ve all been so freaked out by stains — you’re never sure how to use straight bleach, but it’s so easy,” she added.
She also doesn’t like leaving messes and uses the brand’s $4 baby wipes in her house.
“I believe you clean it up as you go. Clean it up and throw it away,” she said.
“I have wet wipes in every room.
I just can never understand how people leave their own sinks messy.
Dorinda Medley
“If you spill something, be careful, don’t leave it there to get sticky.”
She also uses baby wipes to clean buttons and surfaces to get rid of germs and viruses.
Another option in your arsenal is the “easy” $5 Clorox Foaming Toilet Bowl Cleaner.
“You throw them in there and there’s no effort,” she said.
Although she likes to buy cleaning products to take care of the mess, she remembers a trick her mother and grandmother use.
She said they used vinegar at home to eliminate odors and also threw it in the trash.
Dorinda previously spoke with The US Sun about her biggest cleaning pet peeves when entertaining guests.
Housewives, you know who you are.
“I just can never understand how people leave their own sinks messy,” she said.
“This is a real pet peeve of mine,” she continued.
One thing that really “drives her crazy” is when people take her makeup off her towels.
“I provide wipes, so I don’t understand,” she added.
What about people who leave stains on the refrigerator? Another nightmare.
“I can’t stand it when people leave a refrigerator messy when they spill something or leave it open and leave a sticky stain,” she said.
Dorinda’s Favorite Cleaning Supplies
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