A WOMAN has been hailed as a “legend” for revealing exactly which supermarket aisle you need to visit to save money on essential items.
Money-saving expert Lynn shared her hack through a video posted to her TikTok channel.
Lynn explained that when you go to the grocery store to buy spices, like paprika or garlic powder, you shouldn’t buy them in the spice aisle.
She revealed that seasoning is expensive in this aisle, demonstrating that you can only get 46g of garlic powder, for £1, and 36 grams of ground coriander for £1.
“That seems reasonable until you see some sense,” she said.
The savvy saver explained that you should instead “pick up both feet” and walk down the aisles until you see the World Foods aisle.
Most big supermarkets have one of these and you can find lots of bargains, like big bags of rice for very cheap.
“It’s much, much cheaper here,” Lynn said.
Showing a bag of garlic powder to the camera, she revealed you get 100g of the spice for £1.30.
This means you get a product more than double the price, for just 30 cents more.
While this may not seem like a huge money saver at first, if you cook with spices every day, it will end up saving you a fortune in the long run.
It’s true that those big bags of spices aren’t as aesthetically pleasing as the little glass jars you find in the spice aisle and probably won’t fit in your spice rack, but you can always replenish the glass jars you already have. with the cheapest ones. seasoning.
“So now you know, save some money,” Lynn said.
In recent years, the cost of living crisis has caused food prices to soar, with O Desk for National Statistics (ONS) reporting that the price of food and non-alcoholic drinks increased by a staggering 25% between January 2022 and January 2024.
Therefore, many of us look for every possible way to reduce the costs of weekly shopping.
The money-saving genius’s hack, which was posted under the username @lynnsaves, probably left a lot of people impressed, as it has racked up more than 730,000 views on the video-sharing platform.
TikTok users rushed to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts on Lynn’s tip.
How to save money at your grocery store
THERE ARE lots of ways to save on your groceries.
You can look for yellow or red stickers on products that show when they have been reduced.
If the food is fresh, you will have to eat it quickly or freeze it for another time.
Making a list should also save you money, as you’ll be less likely to make hasty purchases when you get to the grocery store.
Buying your own brand can also be an easy way to save hundreds of pounds a year on your food bills.
This means abandoning “better” or “luxury” products and instead opting for “premier” or value-type lines.
Many supermarkets run unstable vegetable and fruit schemes where you can get cheap prices if they are misshapen or imperfect.
For example, Lidl runs its Waste Not program, offering 5kg boxes of fruit and veg for just £1.50.
If you’re on a low income and are a parent, you could get up to £442 a year in Healthy Start vouchers to use at the supermarket too.
Additionally, many councils offer supermarket vouchers as part of the Families Support Fund.
One person said: “I always make this and it tastes so good.”
A second person said: “You are an absolute legend for this tip!”
Another person said: “It’s even cheaper if you go to your local Asian supermarket.”
A fourth person said: “I think it’s similar to cotton.
“It’s cheaper in the baby aisle than in the beauty aisle.”
A fifth joked: “No, you gave away the secret.”
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This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story