
Man branded ‘greedy’ after getting two weeks’ worth of dinners for just £3.50, but others congratulate his ‘great bargains’

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A MAN left people completely shocked after hitting the jackpot by stealing a huge quantity of yellow stickers bought from his local supermarket.

So if the cost of living crisis has your purse feeling tighter than ever, don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place.


A man left people speechless after showing off his huge amount of discounted food at his local supermarketCredit: Yellow Sticker Tips, Tricks and Shopping / Facebook
Many claimed that Lewis Currington hit 'the mother load' with his purchases


Many claimed that Lewis Currington hit ‘the mother load’ with his purchasesCredit: Getty

Savvy shopper Lewis Currington was surprised while browsing the shelves at his local Morrisons Extra when he noticed a huge selection of reduced foods.

Thrilled by his cheap finds, the dad-of-two took to social media to warn others about budgeting.

But users were divided by Lewis’s bargains – while some claimed he had hit “the motherload”, others deemed him “greedy”.

Posing Yellow Sticker Tips, Tricks and Shoppinga private Facebook group with 195,100 members, Lewis shared a Photograph of his enormous fortune – with enough dinners to last two weeks.

Not only was he lucky enough to get six ready meals of Shepherd’s Pie for just 25 cents each, but he also stole three ready meals of spaghetti bolognese, also for just 25 cents each.

In addition, he got three jars of tomato and mascarpone pasta sauce and even got two packets of microwaveable mashed potatoes.

In total, Lewis spent just £3.50, leaving him thrilled with his discoveries.

And it wasn’t just Lewis who was impressed by the reduced purchases – his post clearly left many speechless, as it was shared just 11 hours ago, but quickly racked up 263 likes and 82 comments.

Bargain hunters were shocked by the cheap prices of their ready meals and many took to the comments to express this.

One person said: “I never see any of this when I shop.”

Smart ways to save at Morrisons

Another added: “The mother load.”

A third commented: “The best so far.”

Great bargains

Facebook user

Someone smiled: “This is a beautiful thing.”

While another savvy shopper wrote: “Great bargains.”

Ambitious? I have two children to feed…

Lewis Currington

However, at the same time, not everyone was so complimentary.

One user criticized: “Greedy.”

When do supermarkets launch yellow sticker bargains?

The length of time supermarkets reduce their products varies between stores.

Here’s a rough supermarket-by-supermarket guide:


Aldi uses a red sticker to show reductions on fresh produce such as bread, meat, fruit and vegetables.

This is when they reach the last day of validity.

Items with red stickers are most commonly found at opening and closing times.


Reduction times may vary from store to store, but are most likely to occur close to closing time.


Asda said Which? that the yellow stickers are applied twice a day – morning and evening.


The Co-op told The Sun that its reduced clearance prices are usually applied around four hours before the store closes.


Lidl has a similar procedure to Asda and Aldi with twice-daily reductions.

However, individual stores may choose to reduce prices throughout the day.


Online shoppers said Morrisons has the best bargains first thing in the morning.

However, the store said Which? There are no specific times for yellow sticker price reductions.


Sainsbury’s told The Sun that it is at the discretion of the store manager to offer discounts.

However, shoppers have reported that the best deals are in the evening from 6pm onwards.


Tesco said there is no specific time for the reduction, but again, most people have found prices to be reduced from 6pm.


As with most other stores, Waitrose shoppers said the best reductions are found before closing.

However, the store stated that there is no specific time for the yellow stickers to be applied.

But to this, Lewis clapped his hands and replied: “Greedy? I have two children to feed…”

Not only that, but another Facebook user stated: “Processed foods in quantity are not good…

“It’s full of sugar, salt and other horrible preservatives.”

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This story originally appeared on read the full story

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