A distressed woman has told how a hairdresser ruined her hair weeks before her wedding.
She said she realized she made a mistake coloring her hair when they removed the first few leaves.
Editor Ouroboros899 opened up about her beauty fail in a viral post.
She explained that she was horrified that the stylist had “fried my hair to the point where it wouldn’t come back weeks before my wedding.”
“I’ve been scared of going to the salon for a long time, but I finally decided to go and look pretty for my wedding,” she said.
The trip to the salon, however, ended up being her worst nightmare.
“The service was a color correction. My hair was already pre-processed and I told him my story,” she added.
The two opted for a level 2 dye to help correct the previous color with remover.
“The goal was a warm honey brown with potentially blonde highlights in the front,” she said.
She emphasized that she had asked her hairdresser to do as much as he could to not compromise the integrity of her hair.
The hairdresser, she later discovered, took some shortcuts to get her color.
“I found out later [that] he used bleach… when he took off the first few sheets, the hair was light yellow and was literally falling apart in my hands like raw pasta.
“I was horrified and when I asked him to take the rest of the foils off he got frustrated and drove me mad.
Despite feeling enlightened, she waited patiently to see the results.
“At the end of the service, my hair was a strange grayish blonde (and completely uneven) and didn’t look like it would gain color.
“It looks like straw and [is] damaged to the point of no return. He also charged me $40 and didn’t explain why.”
When he took off the first few leaves, the hair was light yellow and was literally falling apart in my hands like raw pasta.
Redditor FancyFollicles
His obvious anger did not go unnoticed.
“When I left, the receptionist said the manager noticed I looked stressed and said she would be willing to fix the problem.
“[I] I paid in full and left because I was in shock. I still haven’t received a call from the manager. What should I do?
“They were unclear if I would have to pay for another service or if they would fix/refund to potentially save their reputation.”
Viewers advised her to ask the salon for a quick solution.
“If the manager said they would fix it, I imagine it would be free, but definitely call them and find out and fix it ASAP,” said one commenter.
“If they won’t fix it for free, demand a refund. I don’t think they want criticism about how they cut their hair right before the wedding.
“At the very least, make them foot the bill for a nice wig that matches your natural hair,” suggested another.
“You can get a topper for less than a wig. They are very useful. It clings and blends with your own hair, covering your roots, damage, etc,” said another.
The bride-to-be was grateful for the encouraging advice.
“This is amazing. I’m glad to know there are solutions and I’m not doomed forever. I’m 26 and I don’t want to spend the rest of my 20s with scarecrow hair,” she said.
After sending his notes to the salon owner, the two reached an agreement.
“She took no responsibility and made me feel like I overdid it, but agreed to a five-week treatment plan and at the end a shine or color. She said if I’m still unhappy with it, she will refund me,” she said in an updated post.
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story