A FRUSTRATED beauty lover has found a cost-effective way to make her eyelashes grow better.
After struggling with eyelash loss, they were determined to find an inexpensive way to boost their growth.
Editor Mythrowawaypdx shared her secret to updating your lash look.
“Take a biotin supplement,” they said.
They explained how the purchase gave them amazing results.
“My eyelashes have been falling out for years,” they said.
“Last year I started using biotin and now they are thick and full,” they continued.
The dramatic difference may not have happened overnight, but they were willing to wait for their “wow” look.
And the cheap discovery helped with more than just the lashes.
“It took me five months to really notice results, but it’s super cheap and worth it for improving your hair, skin and nails,” they said.
Most read in Hair and Beauty
To gain an advantage in its own growth attempts, Target sells Biotin Dietary Supplement Tablets for just $5.99.
The item is described as supporting “healthy” hair and skin.
They recommend taking a tablet containing 5,000 micrograms of biotin daily.
For more rejuvenating results, they suggest using the supplement with food.
Biotin can be found in egg yolks, mushrooms and nuts, according to Health Line.
They explained how biotin, also known as vitamin H, is part of the B vitamin group.
This vitamin group is known to help the body convert food into energy.
Effects of biotin
Biotin, also known as vitamin His one of the B vitamins that helps the body convert food into energy, according to Health Line.
Described as capable of stimulating nail and hair growth, biotin can be found in foods such as mushrooms, egg yolks, nuts, whole grains, cauliflower, bananas and organic meats such as liver.
Target sales Biotin Dietary Supplement Tablets for $5.99.
They recommend taking one tablet a day with food.
In addition to helping with hair growth, biotin may also have medical benefits.
It is used to help keep the eyes and nervous system healthy.
Many women also rely on biotin during pregnancy to help promote embryonic growth.
They recommend reaping the benefits of biotin in raw or less processed versions of foods that contain the ingredient, such as whole grains and organic meats, including liver.
Although supplements are an alternative method, they explained that biotin tablets are not currently monitored by the FDA.
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story