Don’t let your hands get old and wrinkled – pharmacist reveals the most important steps to keep them young and smooth

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HANDS can defy the signs of aging with a dedicated skincare routine, according to a pharmacist.

He shared unmissable tips to keep you looking young, smooth and plump.


Abbas Kanani shared his expert tips for slowing the signs of aging on your hands (stock image)Credit: Getty

Abbas Kanani is superintendent pharmacist at Click Chemicala UK-based online healthcare service.

He has experience as an independent prescriber and consultant in the NHS.

Speaking to The US Sun, he shared little-known tricks for keeping your hands looking youthful.


Kanani said hands can become dry and rough because natural oil production decreases as we age.

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He recommended keeping your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using beauty products with beneficial ingredients.

“Applying a rich hand moisturizer with hydrating ingredients like shea butter and hyaluronic acid will help keep your hands looking plump and give you a more youthful appearance,” he said.

“You should focus on doing this especially after washing your hands and before bed.”

Vaseline Intensive Care Hydra Replenish with Hyaluronic Acid and Cocoa Butter Hand Cream has an impressive 4.7-star rating at Target.

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The lightweight moisturizer, which costs $3.49, also contains shea butter and vitamin B3 to leave skin nourished.

One customer described it as “life-changing” after being impressed with how it transformed the appearance of their hands, while another said it helped “heal cracked skin”.

I’m 51 and my hands look like my grandmother’s – my weekly routine rejuvenates them, the final step is free


Kanani said hands are “easily exposed” to harmful UV rays that cause skin aging.

He recommended applying sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 daily to help protect them.

“You should use this all year round, even during the winter,” he said.

The pharmacist said it is also important to be careful when exposing your hands to chemicals.

“Wear gloves when using harsh detergents and cleaning agents at home, as they can strip natural oils and leave your skin dry,” he said.

“You should also use mild, gentle, natural soaps whenever possible.”


Kanani revealed that it is possible to rejuvenate aging hands with specific treatments and lifestyle choices.

“Chemical peels and microdermabrasion exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells, stimulating the growth of new cells,” he said.

“A balanced diet will feed your skin with nutrients and minerals to support good skin health.

“If you smoke, consider quitting because nicotine reduces blood flow to the skin, depriving it of essential nutrients and oxygen, creating a dull, pale appearance.”

Kanani said a hand cream containing shea butter and hyaluronic acid should be applied after washing hands and before bed (stock image)


Kanani said a hand cream containing shea butter and hyaluronic acid should be applied after washing hands and before bed (stock image)Credit: Getty

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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