EVERYONE who has used self-tanner knows the struggle of trying to reach your back.
One woman shared the creative hack she uses, as well as her favorite brand.
Commenting on a Reddit publishuser Gorillagrip-420-69 broke down her self-tanning routine.
First, she revealed her favorite brand of self-tanner, which uses a unique item to apply.
“Believe it or not, the best self-tanner I’ve found is Ulta brand mousse,” the poster wrote.
O Ulta Beauty Express Self-Tanning Mousse with Tanned Color is available for $13.
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She praised the product’s low price when comparing it to other options.
“In my opinion, [it’s] waaaay better than almost all the high-end brands like St. Tropez,” she explained.
The social media user shared her DIY trick for applying bronzer to her back.
“To tan my back, it sounds weird but it totally works, I put my mitt on a wide spatula, secure it with a hair tie and rub the bronzer in with it,” she said.
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In addition to revealing her product recommendation and application hack, the Redditor shared a mistake to avoid when self-tanning.
“The biggest mistake I made when tanning my face was avoiding tanning my upper lip for fear of it looking too dark,” she explained.
“The opposite was true for me, not applying self-tanner in places like this feels much worse.”
She also revealed the “obvious tip” she follows for smooth application.
“I use a big, fluffy brush for feet, hands, elbows, and knees,” the Redditor explained.
“I haven’t had horribly patchy self-tanning hands since I started using a brush.
“I also use a large brush on my face and blend into my neck and ears.”
The poster recommended washing your hair the day before self-tanning to avoid leaving streaks in your tan.
“I shave and exfoliate every inch of my skin and pay extra attention to the wrinkled parts, put lotion everywhere, so I’m ready to tan the next day,” she said.
“Immediately before tanning, I take a quick, warm shower to make sure I’m clean, wait until my skin has completely cooled, then tan.”
The poster also had advice for your post-application process.
“After tanning, it’s important to avoid superheated water for a day or two, and don’t exfoliate again for 24 to 48 hours,” she said.
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story