A COFFEE fan has shared how she kills two birds with one stone with her morning cup of coffee.
She revealed her trick for getting skin-plumping effects from her coffee.
Editor Hypatia76 shared the anti-aging tip in a post.
She explained that she adds a secret ingredient to her coffee and has noticed a huge improvement in her skin.
“Honestly, the most effective and long-lasting skin plumping effect I’ve had is collagen powder in my coffee every morning,” she said.
“It took about two weeks to see the results, but they are better than anything I’ve used topically.”
She added that she also noticed other areas of improvement besides her skin.
“My hair is also getting thicker. I started with collagen originally because my orthopedic surgeon recommended it to me.
“[I’m a] long-time runner and, at age 47, I’ve had two ankle surgeries and constantly experience pain from repetitive strain).
“Skin results are a bonus!”
Most read in Hair and Beauty
She revealed that her favorite brand of collagen is Vital Proteins Beauty Collagen Powder.
“I mix it with an essential nutrient hydration pack,” she said.
“The cherry and pink lemonade ones suit him best.”
Hundreds of thousands of Amazon shoppers shared similar sentiments, with rave five-star reviews for the product.
A woman with an autoimmune disease detailed how she used collagen supplement to support hair growth.
Anti-aging tips and ‘superstar’ products
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Dr. Anatália Moore is a general practitioner and skin specialist with over 11 years of clinical experience.
She told The US Sun that her goal is to equip patients with the knowledge they need to take control of their skin’s journey.
She said the basics of a beauty routine are the same for all ages – it should include an effective cleanser, moisturizer and SPF.
“Moisturizers are my go-to, even when it comes to products that contain active ingredients,” she said.
“Finding a well-balanced moisturizer that provides the right type of hydration, replaces natural oils, and seals them literally stabilizes the skin.
“This alone can quickly soften the appearance of fine lines and texture, as these are often worsened by dehydration.
“It also allows the skin to function as it should.
“It can then heal more quickly, which, among many things, can lead to fewer lines and wrinkles, fewer flare-ups of dermatitis and rosacea, and milder, shorter-lasting breakouts.”
Dr. Moore’s Basic Skin Care Products:
“Quick details: I have lupus and have been losing my hair since I was 19; it falls in handfuls, then stops for a while, then falls again; it was always thin and thin and even had stains on it,” she said.
“The diet doesn’t seem to help, nor does medication, but I started the Autoimmune Protocol medical diet and it was recommended to take collagen.
“I can’t speak for everyone, but this works for me, and I have a serious autoimmune disease that is working against it.
“I would recommend waiting to judge because hair and nail cells are rapidly dividing cells and take at least 4-6 weeks to go from birth to death (i.e. they take a while to take in new nutrients and produce them in a new moment of growth). “
The process, she warned, could take longer than expected.
“You need to give it some time, take two spoons a day and go through the period where you break out a little while your skin adjusts to the new product and increases collagen,” she said.
“This is a great product, worth the money, and you will see the difference if you stick with it.
“I didn’t really see a difference until about a month ago, so keep using it, give your body a chance to acclimatize, and boost those cells with the new influx of collagen.
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story