OUR beloved astrologer Meg sadly died last year, but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégé Maggie Innes.
Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today.
March 21st to April 20th
The most important aspects of who you are and what you need may come to the surface as the full moon shines.
Then you start to realize that you are the best expert on something so special – yourself.
Therefore, follow your instincts before external instructions.
In terms of passion, nothing can stop you when you redirect your heart.
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April 21st to May 21st
Maybe work or health details demand your attention early in the day, but later on, it’s time for an all-powerful, all-consuming passion.
If you’re with a partner, you see them with new eyes, so petty squabbles disappear and a big decision is back on the table.
If you are single, from the moment you meet “F”, you both think “forever”.
Get the latest Taurus horoscope news, including your weekly and monthly predictions
May 22nd to June 21st
The sun and moon highlight different aspects of your personality that can cause internal conflicts.
But when you focus on what you know you need, you can set yourself free.
When it comes to love, choosing between casual charm and serious commitment suddenly becomes easy.
The luck factor meets old school friends.
June 22nd to July 22nd
The one person in your world who is as big a fan of a certain style of music as you can also rock your world in other ways.
The full moon comes into play in the second half of the day, and feelings you thought were bottled up may resurface.
This can attract you to an ex – from love, to home, to work.
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July 23rd to August 23rd
You speak very well, but listen today, because the biggest family concerns can be linked to the quietest people.
Show that you’re ready to listen to everything, not just the easy parts – and the real conversation can begin.
Passionate? Venus opens a chart directly over a couple’s destiny.
Still looking? Tonight you will be closer to “D”.
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August 24th to September 22nd
Money may have a special meaning this morning – so be sure to ask that money question that always comes to mind.
Then you can work well with the answer for the rest of the day.
A moon of heartfelt connections gets partners back on the same page of passion.
Single? The One has a style that stands out.
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September 23rd to October 23rd
The moon and Pluto push your personal life today, from different directions.
So if you feel overwhelmed, take a moment.
You have all the information you need to make the choices you need.
There will be obstacles to a creative dream, but it is worth pursuing.
Stick to a pre-arranged date.
Receive all the news Libra horoscope news including your weekly and monthly forecasts
List of the 12 signs
The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below.
October 24th to November 22nd
Your work plans may be unusual, even outrageous – but how you share them is the secret to success.
Take time to explain and make sure everyone is clear about them.
Instead of barriers, you start to see steps.
Love may seem very uncomfortable, but tonight loyalty and laughter may be back.
Receive all the news Scorpio horoscope news including your weekly and monthly forecasts
November 23rd to December 21st
Friends may surprise you with how they handle certain situations, but step back and let it happen.
Their natural instinct is to protect, but now people need to learn from their mistakes – and celebrate their own victories.
The dream of a golden future is approaching, but there may only be room for one – you.
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December 22nd to January 20th
A creative or charitable team has a special place for you and it starts to show today.
Ignore your first answer as this will take some time to decide.
If you’re in a relationship, this is a day to remember everything you love about each other.
Single? The One sits alone at a table that seats four. Luck chooses light pink.
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January 21st to February 18th
A path that seemed so simple may initially turn in circles, but may reach a stronger, straighter stretch.
Tonight you can see a destination in the distance.
It could be a celebration of love, a cash reward or a new address.
The number 10 can be significant.
Your sign is full of mischief – don’t act impulsively.
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February 19th to March 20th
No matter how well you know yourself, you may be surprised today – as Pluto reveals deep secrets and sends your eyes and dreams in unexpected directions.
In terms of love, have fun, but try not to value excitement over commitment. You need a balance between both.
The sun opens up a key profile again and adds something to it.
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This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story