March 21st to April 20th
As your planet boss Mars marches toward your sign to join Mercury’s push, this is the time to take control of work, family, love, and your own mind.
Believing that you can succeed is your natural state in the coming weeks.
Passion gets a boost from Venus and quiet moments together can produce the biggest changes.
Get the latest Aries horoscope news, including your weekly and monthly predictions
April 21st to May 21st
Venus enters your busy planetary schedule and you are more open than ever, with the ability to win over the most cautious hearts.
If you’re attached, a couple can move from vague discussions to definite dates.
The power of Pluto makes itself known in your career and you overcome negative work habits.
Get the latest Taurus horoscope news, including your weekly and monthly predictions
May 22nd to June 21st
Pluto is the lord of disruption and, for you, the focus of the planet’s retrograde effects on personal journeys.
There may be setbacks to big plans between now and October, but this gives you the chance to change any part you’re not happy with – and that includes you.
As love grows dreamier, partners reveal hidden, sensual sides.
Get the latest Gemini horoscope news, including your weekly and monthly predictions
June 22nd to July 22nd
If your feelings are mixed this week, it could be Pluto spinning back, so embrace it as it has a lot to teach you.
A period of putting up with too much or asking for too little can end when you become assertive.
Now it’s easier to just say “no.” Mars energy in your success sector takes career hopes to a new level
Receive all the news Cancer Horoscope News including your weekly and monthly forecasts
July 23rd to August 23rd
As Venus turns love into an upward trend, you will feel more in love.
Being yourself is your love secret and exactly what an Aquarius might be waiting for.
Renewing ties – and ending some that have already ended – is Pluto’s territory for the coming months.
It’s not always easy, but it can feel right.
Receive all the news Leo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly forecasts
August 24th to September 22nd
Denial of work or well-being may end when Pluto reacts.
True honesty, especially with yourself, is your key skill as it helps you see shortcuts to necessary changes.
You face problems head on, so get ready to surprise the world. Love is rooted in learning – trust yourself not to repeat a recent mistake.
Receive all the news Virgo Horoscope News including your weekly and monthly forecasts
September 23rd to October 23rd
The darker side of your imagination is vivid, so it’s a great time to plan or write that story or script.
Be careful with gossip, especially at work, and keep your responses non-committal.
In terms of love, with the passion of Mars and the intimacy of Venus rising, you are a partner in a million.
Single? You see your soulmate helping a stranger.
Receive all the news Libra horoscope news including your weekly and monthly forecasts
List of the 12 signs
The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below.
October 24th to November 22nd
Family life can be good, but you can make it great.
The upheaval of the planet in your chart encourages you to bolder suggestions, but be careful who you trust.
Venus moves into your forever bliss zone and you can go from date to marriage in just a few days, via “P”.
Passionate? Be grateful for what you have, but seek what you need.
Receive all the news Scorpio horoscope news including your weekly and monthly forecasts
November 23rd to December 21st
Finding work you love becomes easier with Venus on board. You can recognize your unique abilities and how to mentor them.
Mars encourages flirtation, giving you that unique allure that everyone wants to explore – even a distant Gemini.
Partners let the heat rise in romance and break the barrier of commitment.
Receive all the news Sagittarius Horoscope News including your weekly and monthly forecasts
December 22nd to January 20th
Pluto retrograde in your financial sector can be seen as a challenge – but you’ll love it.
You’re done with the old strategies because you’re ready to try something less cautious and limiting.
In terms of love, there is so much joy and romance around you, so open your eyes and see who wants to get closer.
Receive all the news Capricorn Horoscope News including your weekly and monthly forecasts
January 21st to February 18th
Pluto reverses your birth sign and you may feel like firm decisions are losing ground.
Take this as an opportunity to think about personal changes. Take your time – and you will emerge stronger.
The foundations of love are reinforced by Venus, so even if the details change, the commitment remains the same.
Receive all the news Aquarius Horoscope News including your weekly and monthly forecasts
February 19th to March 20th
Even if you’re not a natural risk taker, Mars encourages a bolder perspective – so give it a try.
Venus is talkative, turning vague hopes into careful words.
Secrets can make you feel strong, but if the burden of carrying them is too great, you may end up weaker.
Stay tuned. Luck travels from north to south.
Receive all the news Pisces horoscope news including your weekly and monthly forecasts
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