OUR beloved astrologer Meg sadly died last year, but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégé Maggie Innes.
Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today.
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Ranking your own well-being first in your priorities, rather than last, is this week’s life lesson – Venus helps you be kind to yourself, while the sun adds extra positive energy.
But it’s Mercury’s practical approach that accomplishes most – eliminating negative people from your circle and choosing a personal path to please yourself rather than everyone else.
A dream about a map could identify your next home.
DESTINY DAYS: Get back in touch with someone special (perhaps older) on Tuesday.
Establish a fairer household balance on Wednesday. Go back in time in terms of fashion on Saturday.
LUCKY LINKS: Anchor shapes, especially in blue. Folk music, played live. Your favorite book author.
NAUGHTY BUT NICE: Creative, intellectual and unconventional, the air sign Aquarius is a lover of freedom and friendship.
You actively seek out different ways of expressing yourself on a daily basis and are a born politician, who believes in ideals and works for them, as well as inspiring everyone around you to do the same.
But sometimes you shy away from mixed emotions and become impatient with people who may be less brilliant, inventive, and adventurous than you.
Taurus, Sagittarius and Cancer can soften this zodiac tendency and help you be 100% happy.
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This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story