
My brother is naming his daughter after a Kesha song – I’m horrified and he was even afraid I’d steal her, but there’s no way

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CHOOSING the perfect name for your newborn is sometimes easier said than thought.

You can play it safe and go the traditional route, or opt for something a little more innovative.


The couple revealed that they have already chosen the name of their next daughterCredit: Getty
The sister shared the unusual name on Facebook


The sister shared the unusual name on FacebookCredit: Getty – Contributor

Well, one woman has revealed that her brother is planning something unique yet sentimental for his fourth child.

Participating in a popular Facebook group, she revealed that her brother and sister-in-law already have three girls together – Lilah, Maizie and Blacekly.

Now the couple is thinking about adding another child to their brood and have already chosen the perfect name.

The woman revealed that her brother wants the name ‘Tymber’, after Kesha’s popular song.

The couple also decided to change the spelling to make it even more unique, as the song’s title is spelled ‘Timber’.

The reason for the name? Because the song is ‘their song’ and that’s why they keep it in a special place, the sister explained.

“My brother didn’t want to tell me the name because he didn’t want me to steal it if I had a girl before them.

“No way would I use that name,” she shot back.

Unsurprisingly, after the name was shared on Facebook, people quickly shared their opinions on the matter.

One commented on the post: “Is this their song?! I’m judging on many levels.”

I regret my 2 month old daughter’s name – it feels strange saying it out loud, I usually just refer to her as ‘baby’

“Please do your best to dissuade them,” pleaded a second.

“People who use names like this are always sure someone will steal them,” wrote a third.

“I mean, I like Kesha as much as the next girl, but this is horrible,” someone chimed in.

And another said: “There are a lot of songs out there and they named their baby after this.”

But the unusual name isn’t the only one that has left the internet shocked recently, with one mother revealing that her husband had a “terrible” time trying to decide on a nickname for their daughter.

“We agreed on a name that we both love, but I’m starting to think that just can’t be an option,” she said on Reddit.

“I love the song ‘Vienna’ and it’s very special to me.

“I also love ‘V’ names for girls,” she added.

To her delight, the woman said she suggested the name to her husband and, fortunately, he “loved it”.

“We are both extremely picky, so this was a huge win,” she said.

However, it was only shortly after that the future mother made the discovery…

“But then I realized… Vienna Sausages. WHY?!!!” she continued.

“I don’t want my daughter to be associated with canned sausages!!”

Addressing social forum users and her mother, she asked: “Do you think people will let this go or will she always be the sausage?”

And the worried mom-to-be had no shortage of responses, with plenty of quick responses to the comments section, with very mixed reviews.

“I’m sorry, sausages are the first thing some people think of – but on the other hand, I think they’re very easy to ignore,” one person admitted.

A second agreed: “I immediately thought of Vienna Sausages when I read the name BUT… I would never say that to someone if it was their name.

Names banned in the UK

The UK has no law restricting names, but names that contain obscenities, numerals, misleading titles or are impossible to pronounce are likely to be rejected when registering a child.

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This story originally appeared on read the full story

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