IF you are traveling to Alaska soon, don’t bring your dog. You are barking up the wrong tree.
The state was ranked as the least dog-friendly place in the country, with a “dog-friendly” score of zero.
Show Sight magazine shared the pet report after analyzing dog facilities, pet-friendly activities and services provided in each state.
A state’s total score was determined based on the number of services, dog-friendly facilities, activities, and anti-dog theft laws it has.
In first place among the most dog-friendly states is Rhode Island, with a score of 9.29/10.
The state handily won all other competitions with more than 470 dog services across 1,600 square miles.
Rhode Island is also one of 15 states that have laws against dog theft.
In Rhode Island, those who steal or attempt to steal horses or other livestock can be imprisoned for up to a year or fined up to $500, or both.
Following closely behind are Connecticut and Delaware in second and third place, respectively.
Other top ten candidates included New Hampshire, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Maryland.
The bottom of the list, however, included states like Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota, which performed poorly when Showsight researchers took a look at their dog facilities.
Alaska came in last place, with zero points out of ten, in part due to a lack of laws protecting against dog theft.
The state’s large size of 665,400 square miles has had a huge impact on the ratio of dog services to area.
“Due to their large size, it is difficult to find dog-friendly services, activities and facilities in Alaska. This state also has no laws against dog theft,” explained Show Sight magazine.
Alaska, like much of the country, has not criminalized animal theft.
Less than a third of states in the United States have laws against dog theft.
Those that do impose small fines and little or no prison time.
States like California and Louisiana base the penalty for pet theft on the monetary value of the dog.
Virginia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New York and Mississippi are believed to have the best protections against dog theft.
In New York, a fine of up to $1,000 or a prison sentence of up to six months, or both, can be imposed.
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story