FLORIST has revealed the most attractive houseplants that improve your home and your health.
Among your choices for an indoor garden are a low-maintenance plant that stands out and one that purifies the air.
Keira Kay is a plant expert at the UK-based online florist Flourish and Wild.
Speaking to The US Sun, she shared five indoor plants to consider when adding to your collection.
Kay said Monstera Deliciosa has become one of the most popular choices in recent years.
It was nicknamed the Swiss cheese factory because of its unusual, holey leaves.
“They are real statement makers,” she said.
“Monsteras are mostly simple, but they like the occasional treat.
“Be sure to polish the leaves with coconut oil every now and then.”
She added that the plant should be kept out of reach of pets.
“Eating this plant can make them very sick,” she said.
Kay revealed that rubber trees are relatively easy to care for, making them ideal for people who don’t have the greenest fingers.
“Rubber trees are a dream to care for, but it’s all about balance,” she said.
“They don’t like to be somewhere very sunny or completely in the shade.
“And they prefer it when the soil is moist – never soggy or too dry.
“These make a great gift for first-time apartment owners with their natural air-purifying qualities, and they work as a great desk companion when working from home.”
Kay said Sanservias are probably better known as snake plants.
Succulents are “extremely” low maintenance and will survive if left alone for a while.
“They also have air-purifying powers,” she said.
“They absorb harmful toxins from the air and can even convert CO2 to oxygen at night.
“With a snake plant located in your bedroom, some experts even say you get a more restful night’s sleep.”
Kay said homeowners who enjoy caring for their plants should purchase a Boston fern plant.
“The easiest way to make this plant unhappy is to submerge it,” she said.
“And as it is used to a more tropical climate, it also needs a lot of fog.”
To ensure they grow evenly, money trees need to be turned every time they are watered.
Keira Kay
She said the Boston fern can be a “dream” in your home if given careful care.
“Its long, frilly leaves make it one of the most decorative houseplants and also a natural humidifier,” he added.
Kay said the Pachira Aquatic, also known as the money tree, appears “unpretentious” in its early stages.
However, they can grow up to 50 centimeters tall in one year.
“They are perfect for anyone who is really attentive to their plants,” she said.
“To ensure they grow evenly, money trees need to be turned each time they are watered.
“Despite this, these plants are also considered lucky and can bring good luck to a home.”
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