EVERY canine is known for being a little mischievous from time to time and pit bulls are no exception.
Despite its bad reputation, the canine breed is more of a class clown than an antagonist, according to fans.
Pitbull owners shared their experiences with the breed on Reddit wire started by user Emxx_.
“What’s the worst thing your dog has ever done?” asked the prompt in the popular post.
The original poster volunteered to be the first, sharing an incriminating photo of his pitbull, who got a little too excited while playing inside the house.
“Someone hit the wall while chasing the ball,” they captioned the photo, which showed the surprised dog next to a concrete wall with a large dent.
Another dog lover revealed one of their dog’s many crimes, which they described as “not the worst” but still pretty bad.
“I still haven’t forgiven him for stealing my favorite hat off my head and eating about a third of it,” they explained.
They joked that they “really liked that hat” and shared a photo of the destruction.
The brim of the hat was completely missing on one side of the accessory.
“He likes adventures, but he is not trustworthy without a leash,” explained the pet owner.
“He grabbed his hat while I was bending down to take his water bottle out of my backpack.
They took to labeling their pet pitbull as “perfidious little so-and-so.”
“I’m not convinced he couldn’t get it out of my head while I’m standing if he tried. I hope he never finds out about this”, they joked.
Another dog parent reported having a dog that likes hats.
“My wife would destroy my husband’s work hats the second he dropped them and walked away,” they wrote.
“She has now gone sneaky and will hide them until she is alone.”
Signs that your dog may become dangerous
Expert advice from Dr. Sara Ochoa, who has practiced veterinary medicine for over five years.
Ochoa told The US Sun that observing a dog’s behavior can provide clues that he may act out.
“A dog that appears completely tense, with its fur sticking up or its teeth showing, is more likely to snap,” she said.
“Looking closely without blinking can also mean problems.
“Growling is also a warning that the dog is getting angry.”
She said dogs may tuck their tails between their legs when they feel scared or threatened.
“Remaining calm and maintaining space can help things not escalate if a dog appears nervous,” she said.
A dog owner revealed similar destruction carried out by his canines in his home.
“He made a hole in the floor of my new house, which I had for less than a year, while he was still in the box,” they said.
“To this day I have no idea how he did it.”
“Mine went through my work laptop screen while it was at my desk, in a mirror,” another pet parent shared.
“I’m still not sure how he did it, honestly.”
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story