
‘I should get my job together’ people say as single mum tells how she spends £2k benefit payments including £200 on travel

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A mum has been criticized after sharing what she spent her £2,323 universal credit payment on for the month.

The single mother of two took to social media to explain why she was receiving so much money in benefits.


The single mother of two shared all the costs of her £2,300 Universal Credit paymentCredit: TikTok
People were angry because they worked full time and still didn't get paid as much as their mother


People were angry because they worked full time and still didn’t get paid as much as their motherCredit: TikTok

In the clip, she said: “This is a screen recording of my Universal Credit diary and how I spend just over £2,000 a month.”

The video showed his diary, which showed an average of £2,100 coming into his bank account every month.

His first big purchase was the rent, which came to £650 a month, along with gas and electricity for £150.

The mum also spent £100 on TV and internet, £40 on her phone bill and content cover for £15 a month.

But that’s not all, she also revealed that she spends at least £400 on groceries a month for herself and her two children, while she spends £200 a month on takeaways.

“I also do takeout and eat out a lot,” she explained.

“I know I need to cut this back.”

Her car and insurance also cost £550.

She also revealed that she spent £100 on activities to do with her children and also £100 on clothes during the month.

In total, this amounted to £2,305, leaving her with just under £20 left over from her £2,323 payment.

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The clip has since gone viral on TikTok and sparked controversy in the comments.

While some understood why the mother received monetary assistance, others were furious, they worked full time and still took home less money than the mother.

One person wrote: “I was in u/c for when I needed it after divorce separation and needed to put a roof over my son’s head. I work 22.5 hours, hand 2 and now it’s worse off by miles but it’s only there for emergencies…”

Another commented: “Ignore the haters! work, £170 CB.”

“I get paid £2,585 a month at UC. £1,200 a month more than when I was receiving tax credits,” wrote a third.

Everything you need to know about Universal Credit

  • What is Universal Credit? Everything you need to know, including how to sign up
  • Universal Credit Calculator: How much can I claim and how can I apply?
  • Universal Credit Login: How do I log into my account online?
  • How much can I earn before Universal Credit is reduced and I receive a working allowance?
  • What is a Universal Credit advance? How to apply and pay back
  • Are Universal Credit payments increasing and how much more will I receive?
  • How to claim Universal Credit if you’re self-employed
  • How many hours can I work on Universal Credit and will my payment be reduced?
  • What is a Universal Credit budget advance and how much can I receive?
  • What is the housing element of Universal Credit and how much does it pay for your rent?

Meanwhile, a fourth said: “How is it possible for people in UC to earn the same income as a band 5 nurse with 8+ years experience?”

“I should really get my work done,” said a fifth.

Someone added: “Wow!! Just wow, unbelievable.”

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This story originally appeared on read the full story

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