
I’m 31 weeks pregnant and still teaching dance – trolls can be rude, but I’m strong and sexy in my evolving body

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This super-fit mom-to-be shared how she plans to continue teaching dance classes and dancing like a pro until she’s ready to give birth.

38 weeks pregnant, Mindi Zim hasn’t slowed down her exercise routine. She teaches with her belly showing and with more energy than ever.


Mindi Zim explained that she would not abandon dance classes, even at 38 weeks pregnantCredit: Caters

The 31-year-old from Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, shared how staying as active as she is, even while pregnant, has helped her get through some of the toughest times of the past nine months.

“Contrary to what most people believe, exercise is actually very beneficial for pregnant women and their babies,” Zim said.

“For me, daily exercise, especially in DanceBody, has provided a safe haven to feel mentally safe, happy, strong, confident and sexy in my evolving body, and surrounded by a support system of women.”

Mindi has been a DanceBody coach for over six years, but has been dancing professionally for much longer, so when she got pregnant, she knew she wasn’t in a position to give up.

Despite being very close to her due date, Mindi isn’t worried about giving birth during one of her workouts and is enjoying each day as it comes, but explained how she will start to slow down as it gets closer.

She has no plans to stop completely, as staying active is something she believes will help benefit her in the coming weeks and after the birth.

As her son grows, the dancer hopes her son will take an interest in her classes and continue to dance with her, just as he did while she was carrying him for nine months.

“Whether it’s at home while my husband plays the guitar for our baby or teaching classes, my baby is constantly surrounded by music, so he will definitely want to dance and I hope he joins my class!” she said.

“The benefits during pregnancy and postpartum are many. However, it is important to emphasize that each person is different.

“You should always consult your doctor about whether and how to adjust your exercise regimen during pregnancy and after your baby is born.

I got pregnant with my second child as a teenager – trolls say my children will have a bad life, but I always wanted to be a young mother

“Honestly, most of the people I’ve encountered, whether in real life or on social media, have been relatively kind and uplifting.

“I was quite surprised! Of course, there were some comments, like ‘jumping too much can put your baby under stress’ or ‘shaken baby syndrome’.”

“That being said, there were some weeks that were more challenging and I had to make adjustments or avoid teaching certain classes based on how I was feeling.

“I hope to be the embodiment of motivation and inspiration for other pregnant women to continue exercising during pregnancy, whether it’s 10 minutes a day to 150 minutes a week.”

Fit mom plans to keep teaching as her body improves


Fit mom plans to keep teaching as her body improvesCredit: Caters

Doctor Lawrence Cunningham, from the UK Care Guide, explained that intense exercise during pregnancy is a medical recommendation that varies from person to person.

“In my experience, the safety of continuing with hard dance classes during pregnancy largely depends on the individual’s pre-pregnancy fitness level, general health and any specific advice from their GP,” he said.

“Generally, if a woman is highly active before pregnancy and is experiencing a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy, continuing her usual exercise routine can be safe and beneficial.

“The key, however, is to listen to her body and make the necessary adjustments to avoid any tension or discomfort.

“From what I’ve observed, professional dancers often have a heightened awareness of their bodies and physical limits.

“This self-awareness can help them modify their movements to ensure their safety and the safety of their baby.”

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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