
Be prepared for the next heat wave – expert reveals tips for staying cool without air conditioning, especially at night

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WITH a heatwave receding, many are looking for ways to protect themselves from the next one.

An expert gave tips for staying cool, even without air conditioning.


An expert gave advice on how to stay cool during the next heatwave (stock photo)Credit: Getty

Sam Greig, senior designer at a furniture company Faintingrevealed what to do and what not to do in summer.

Greig emphasized preparing to not get caught in the heat.

His tips for staying cool in warmer weather work both day and night.

He also recommended sticking to certain types of furniture to stay comfortable when the temperature rises.



Greig said certain daytime rituals can make all the difference.

“First of all, it’s a great idea to keep curtains closed during the day to keep out the sunlight and therefore the heat,” he said.

“A pair of heavy-duty curtains or quality blackout blinds will do the trick—and there’s nothing wrong with having a little design fun while you’re at it.”

He recommended paying extra attention to where you lay your head at night.

“Also, you should consider your bedding,” he advised.

“Heavy synthetic materials will almost certainly create a humid atmosphere when the temperature starts to rise, so swap your summer sheets for a cotton alternative instead.

“Cotton is great at absorbing moisture and will therefore help you stay cooler throughout the night.

“Opt for fabric with the highest thread count possible, as the higher the count, the smoother the experience.”

Greig didn’t stop there, he also recommended sleeping on the right mattress.

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“The duvet and mattress also have a huge impact on temperature during sleep,” he said.

“During the summer, opt for a lower duvet, which means it will feel lighter on the body and allow for greater airflow.

“Replacing your mattress is a long and complicated process, so instead of storing seasonal sleeping gear, you can select a climate-appropriate mattress topper.

“A cooling gel topper is a great option for a full night’s rest – no matter what Mother Nature decides to throw at you.


Cooling gel mattress toppers are available on Amazon and vary in price.

O Linenspa mattress coverfor example, it sells for $59.99 on Amazon.

The best-seller features a cooling gel infusion for a comfortable night’s rest.

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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