A FED-UP girlfriend is paying close attention to the signs – that is, the astrological signs.
She blames her and her partner’s different zodiac placements for why their union might not be in the stars.
Editor Formeracanthaceae2 She’s thinking about moving away from her boyfriend because of their different temperaments – and she’s already identified the problem.
“I’m a Cancer woman who has been with a Libra man for five years. At first he was sweet, a gentleman and treated me well,” she said.
It may have started well, but it wasn’t long before its true colors were revealed.
“When we started living together, he changed a lot. He expected me to be perfect and never make mistakes. He would get angry over petty things,” she said.
“Throughout the relationship, he said we should go our separate ways, but then acted like he couldn’t live without me,” she continued.
“He is extremely indecisive and unstable, one day he goes back and forth saying he loves me and the next day he gets angry saying he hates living with me and wants to leave.”
Still, she stayed in the relationship, hoping things would change.
After all, his feelings never wavered.
“I stayed with him all this time and put up with his indecisiveness because I really loved him and wanted our relationship to work,” she said.
“We are now living as roommates because he doesn’t like being committed either and is okay with us sleeping in separate rooms and just paying rent,” she continued.
“He also never wants to be with my family. He told me again that he wanted to end it, and honestly, I’ve already decided to let him go.”
Eventually, she realized that their differences were causing too much division.
“I’ve accepted that he’s not going to change and I can’t be with an unstable man like him,” she said.
“As a Cancer, I need stability in my life.”
She took to the platform’s forum to see what others thought of her situation.
“Should I feel bad about putting an end to this even though I loved him? It feels like I’m settling if I stay,” she said.
Most people thought she was thinking clearly – but placed less emphasis on the stars as being the reason for the inevitable separation.
“Girl this has nothing to do with astrology but yeah you made the right decision it seems super toxic,” said one Redditor.
“You don’t need to feel bad. The relationship ended because you’re unhappy in it. That’s okay,” another user added.
“Go build the stability you need. This is the most important thing”, they added.
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story