THERE is nothing more annoying than trying to enjoy your garden in the summer and being attacked by flies and mosquitoes.
But a pest control professional has revealed a clever £1 hack to keep the pesky critters at bay – and it has the added benefit of making your home smell nice and fresh too.
“Mint is a natural deterrent to wasps, mosquitoes, flies, wasps, moths, ants and cockroaches,” Experienced pioneers‘ Matt Webster explained.
“These insects have a strong sense of smell and are often confused by any food or plant with a strong smell.
“Place a pot of mint around the house or in the area where you are sitting, to deter unwanted visitors – the mint will help keep them away.
pests away from the area.”
You can buy a jar of peppermint from your local supermarket for around £1, or you can try using peppermint oil to achieve the same effects.
Another way to deter flies is to use lemon and cloves.
“Flies hate the smell of cloves and adding lemon enhances this effect, so when combined they form the best natural repellent to keep them away,” said Matt.
“Just cut a lemon in half and insert the cloves into the pulp, then place them in the garden or at home.
“This duo will keep flies away while adding a lovely aroma to the room.”
If there are a lot of mosquitoes in your area, you should stock up on rosemary on your next trip to the stores.
“Its intense fragrance is enough to deter any of these summer pests,” Matt said.
“Why not make your own repellent by adding rosemary to the boil
“Once it has been simmering long enough for you to begin to smell the earthy flavors of the rosemary, strain the water into a spray bottle and spray any areas around the garden that you want pests to avoid.”
Keep pests away all summer long
IF you want to ensure your home is pest-free this summer, here’s what you need to know.
Wasps and hornets – I hate the smell of peppermint oil, so spraying it liberally on your patio or porch can help keep them away.
Moths – Acidic household white vinegar is effective in deterring moths. Soak some kitchen paper in vinegar and leave it in the closet as a deterrent.
flying ants – herbs and spices such as cinnamon, mint, chili pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves or garlic act as deterrents.
Mosquitoes – Plants, herbs, and essential oil fragrances can help deter mosquitoes inside and out. Try eucalyptus, lavender, and lemongrass.
And if you are more concerned about the number of ants in your home, then black pepper is your secret weapon.
“Sprinkling black pepper on work surfaces, doorways and between floorboards will keep ants away,” Matt said.
“Mixed with a little flour and sprinkled on plants in the garden, black pepper will make all previously chewed insects disappear overnight.”
This story originally appeared on read the full story