A millionaire’s wife has revealed her husband gives her a £15,000 monthly allowance just to get her hair and nails done.
Soudi Al Nadak, who lives in Dubai with her partner Jamal, said she loses count of how much money he gives her every month.
On social media, the British influencer, who moved to the United Arab Emirates after meeting Jamal, gave her followers a rundown of her different allowances.
She revealed she receives £15,000 a month for “daily spending”.
“It doesn’t count if it’s my birthday or if it’s Jamal’s birthday,” she said.
“Because if it’s Jamal’s birthday, you can double it, and if it’s my birthday, you can triple it.”
Additionally, Soudi said she receives around £30,000 a month from luxury purchases, which she said is a “very reasonable amount”.
The housewife said that she only uses this money to buy products from the “holy trinity” of brands, Chanel, Dior and Hermès, as her husband does not like her spending the money on anything else.
Additionally, Soudi receives £790,000 a month to invest in properties.
She also gets paid £15,000 just for getting her hair and nails done.
“As you all know, getting a 10 out of 10 is so important to me that I would never leave without a chipped nail,” she said.
For beauty and skincare, she receives an additional £4,000 a month, which she said she thinks is very fair as it means she can buy any of the new products she wants.
And if Soudi goes out to meet her friends or family, she said Jamal gives her an extra £800 to spend.
She said that if she doesn’t spend all her allowance by the end of the month, it stays in her bank account or goes into savings.
Her video, which was posted under the username @soudiofarabiaIt probably left a lot of people speechless as it racked up over 483,000 views on the video-sharing platform.
TikTok users rushed to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts.
The best millionaire housewives to follow on social media
Linda Andrade – @lionlindaa
Soudi Al Nadak – @soudiofarabia
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One person said, “I need a husband like that.”
Someone else said, “Send us some money girl! Share the wealth!”
A third person said: “I can’t even imagine having an allowance like that. What a blessed life you have.”
A fifth added: “Imagine how many people could be helped with half that amount of money.”
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This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story