Oprah Winfrey and WeightWatchers are coming together to present a conversation about food culture on May 9th. The virtual event, Making the Change: A New Way to Think About Weightwill explore “the profound impact that diet culture has had on our society” and discuss ways to “reframe harmful narratives around our weight and our bodies,” according to a press release.
But people are already skeptical. This is partly due to Winfrey’s role in two previous conversations – one about Oprah Daily Platform and the other, an ABC primetime special – focused specifically on weight loss and the role of modern weight loss medications, which she herself revealed in December 2023 to be using. It’s also because of WeightWatchers’ involvement, as the brand that has long touted the role of behavioral changes in achieving weight loss has since acquired a telehealth company to prescribe weight loss medications and manage patients through its more recent GLP-1 program. Winfrey was a longtime board member of WeightWatchers before announcing in February that they would be cutting ties. This month marks his official departure.
WeightWatchers CEO Sima Sistani spoke about her intentions for the event in a video On Instagram. “We want to create a safe space for discussion, regardless of what part of history we are involved in,” probably alluding to conversations about the brand contributions to toxic diet culture. “This is an opportunity for both of us [WeightWatchers] members and critics, scientists and opinion leaders, all together to have this conversation because it is in this conversation that we can move forward together.” Actors Rebel Wilson and Amber Riley, as well as body acceptance advocate Katie Sturino, will also participate.
So what is it about the event that is causing controversy before it even happens? And what do weight, health and food culture experts have to say about this? Here, Yahoo Life explains it all.
What the critics are saying
While some applaud both Weight Watchers and Winfrey for having these conversations about diet culture, critics say there is a conflict of interest and even some hypocrisy in them organizing these events. This echoes reactions to Winfrey’s previous ABC special Shame, Guilt, and the Weight Loss Revolutionwhich some said looked like an infomercial about weight-loss drugs that Winfrey said she wanted to be impartial about.
The comments section of a Instagram video posted by Jen Hatmakerauthor and podcast host, who was invited to be part of the live-streamed event on May 9, voiced these concerns.
“I was thinking how hard it is to swallow that Oprah is just now talking about diet culture, acceptance, etc. AFTER losing weight using medications like Ozempic,” one commenter wrote. (Winfrey did not specify which medication she takes.) “Such [a] privilege that most people do not have access to and completely negates the point of body neutrality.”
Another, who identified himself as a doctor who treats people with eating disorders, wrote: “There is no way a company that exists solely to sell weight loss can sponsor an event like this in an authentic way. This is marketing. …WW is trying to co-opt a really important conversation for their benefit. It’s hypocritical and disgusting.”
Others pointed out that these conversations ignored issues of anti-fat bias and weight stigma.
“Even with the lip service from WW, Oprah and Ozempic – it still feels a little hollow when your ultimate goal is still to ‘lose weight.’ There is still a very clear conflation of health and weight on all of these platforms, which still perpetuates the same shame, just subtly,” says a comment on the same Hatmaker video.
Dr.family physician and NPR contributing writer, shared your thoughts on this subject. “Certainly, GLP-1 drugs have helped some of Oprah’s guests with diabetes and changed the way the world treats them, but the real problem behind their suffering is not entirely medical. The problem is fat phobia,” Gordon wrote. “[Winfrey] doesn’t stop to ask if maybe the problem is fat phobia, not fat people.”
What the experts say
Dr., director of the Comprehensive Obesity Program at NYU Langone, told Yahoo Life that the conversation about weight and eating culture is complicated. WeightWatchers’ investment in diet programs doesn’t make everything easier.
“It’s hard to separate weight loss from health and living up to social ideals of thinness,” she says. “And the social desire for thinness still drives much of the business in the diet industry. So I can understand why people find it controversial that a company that benefits from diet culture is talking about the harmful effects of obesity stigma.”
However, Jay recognizes the need for these conversations as obesity rates rise.
“We need all doctors and specialists, as well as other members of the healthcare team, including nutritionists, nurses, pharmacists, community health workers and health coaches, to work together to ensure that everyone who wants and needs treatment receives it,” she says. “This requires innovation in the healthcare sector as well as in our communities.”
There are “unethical for-profit companies” that profit from this, Jay says. However, she adds, “WW is one of the oldest and most scientifically studied commercial lifestyle-based weight management programs. The CEO recognized the need to talk more about the stigma of obesity and find ways the company can avoid being part of toxic diet culture and body shaming.”
Cristina Byrnenutritionist specializing in eating disorders and owner of Ruby Oak Nutrition, told Yahoo Life that the focus on weight and appearance needs to change.
“The problem with the current conversation about weight and health, which Oprah and WW are a part of, is that it seems to be promoting thinness at all costs,” she says. “Weight loss is difficult and complicated and there are many ways to improve your health without changing your weight.”
As for Winfrey’s involvement, though, both experts acknowledge that she, too, suffers from weight stigma. “I don’t think it’s fair to portray Oprah as a villain in this current conversation about weight and health,” says Byrne. “She is a woman who lives in a marginalized body and has suffered a lot of stigma and criticism over the years because of her weight and her identity. She’s a victim of our culture’s obsession with thinness, just like everyone else.”