A DRIVER was surprised when her car insurance denied her claim after an animal ran in front of her vehicle – she says it’s unfair.
O car owner swerved to avoid hitting an animal that ran into the middle of the road at night and crashed into a pole.
“I immediately realized that the car was in terrible condition,” Californian Jennifer Darconte told local NBC affiliate KNBC.
Her car was destroyed in the accident, so she called the insurance company, without waiting for the answer she received.
When the driver called National General about her 2011 GMC Yukon, she was surprised to learn that the company would not pay for the damage.
“I didn’t expect to be told, ‘We’re not going to cover this. You lost a $10,000 vehicle,’ Darconte shared.
The reason given by insurance for denying her claim came down to the information she shared when requesting coverage.
General Nacional told Darconte that when he first applied for insurance, he did not reveal that he had a 14-year-old son.
“I said, ‘Are you kidding, what are you talking about? I can’t believe this is happening to me,'” she emphasized.
“And he said, ‘Yes, I’m sorry you didn’t inform us.’ If they’re not driving, why do I have to inform you if they’re not the person who’s going to drive the car?” she said.
National General’s parent company, Allstate, told KNBC that its claim was “denied after a thorough review.”
It is common for an insurance company to require drivers to disclose an adequate count of their family members.
The count must include teens who don’t drive so they can accurately underwrite the policy, the Department of Insurance told KNBC.
“In good faith, I paid my insurance bills every month,” Darconte said.
“I made sure the insurance was there for exactly that reason.”
A lawyer noted an even bigger problem with the mother’s situation.
Eight tips to save money on car insurance
According to SheTalksCars
- Buy early – 23 to 26 days before you need coverage is ideal
- Add a named driver – even a student can earn money
- Try different parking spaces – a garage is not always cheaper
- Choose the right job title – make sure they are always accurate
- Research – comparison sites are your friends
- Choose a multi-car policy – share it with others in your household
- Add your license number
- Pay annually instead of monthly – save interest payments
“They created a corporate process that allows them to avoid paying thousands and thousands of claims after the fact,” said attorney Justin King.
“Based on information they never asked for in the beginning.”
He even explained to KNBC that National General’s digital application is not clear and concise.
The lawyer said the app only asks you to list all drivers.
Despite this, King said he asks drivers to confirm that they have disclosed all household members over the age of 14 later on the app.
He said this is something people should never be asked to do.
King warned that the specific question auto-populates with ‘yes’, so people may be confused or not understand.
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story