South Lebanon Twp. Police are looking for clues after several vehicle break-ins and thefts

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The South Lebanon Municipal Police Department is asking the public for help in resolving several vehicle entries that occurred overnight in the municipality.

Unlocked vehicles were broken into and searched, with police saying numerous items and cash were stolen.

The police presented ttwo videos on his Crimewatch pagewith two individuals trying to break into vehicles. One individual appeared wearing multicolored shorts and in one video a gray hoodie. The other individual was wearing a white shirt and faded jeans. Both wore white head coverings that covered their faces and hair.

The South Lebanon Municipal Police Department is investigating several vehicle entries that occurred overnight in the municipality.

The South Lebanon Municipal Police Department is investigating several vehicle entries that occurred overnight in the municipality.

“Officers are asking for your assistance in identifying the individuals in the videos and photos,” police said in a statement. “The people in the videos are considered persons of interest. Pay special attention to their clothing, shoes and mannerisms.”

Anyone who can assist in identifying the individuals is asked to contact the South Lebanon Municipal Police department by calling 717-274-0482 or clicking the ‘submit’ button on the department’s Crimewatch page.

The South Lebanon Municipal Police Department is investigating several vehicle entries that occurred overnight in the municipality.The South Lebanon Municipal Police Department is investigating several vehicle entries that occurred overnight in the municipality.

The South Lebanon Municipal Police Department is investigating several vehicle entries that occurred overnight in the municipality.

Matthew Toth is a reporter for the Lebanon Daily News. Reach him at or on the X at @DAMattToth.

This article originally appeared on Lebanon Daily News: South Lebanon Twp. Police search for clues after multiple vehicle thefts

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