Trump was hit with a harsh dose of reality after blatantly trying to rewrite history

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Donald Trump offered alternative facts about the end of his term on Wednesday, leading critics to pile on some real truths.

The former president spoke in Asheville, North Carolina, in what was should be an economical address but ended up including many of his usual tangents and attacks on enemies.

At one point, he spoke at length about the “booming economy” he claims to have delivered to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, asserting that “we have had some of the greatest periods of economic and health growth that any country has ever seen.” ”. , I think, probably more than any country has ever seen.”

“You’ve never looked so good. Now you’re not doing so well,” he said.

In January 2021, when Trump left office, the US was experiencing its deadliest month of the COVID-19 pandemic, with more than 95,000 lives lost throughout the month.

Just six days into 2021, a violent mob of Trump supporters laid siege to the US Capitol in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election he lost.

THE unemployment rate was 6.3% as the country struggled to recover from the massive job losses of March and April 2020, when Trump was still minimizing COVID-19casting doubt on government medical advice and suggesting the virus would simply “disappear”. (The unemployment rate was 4.3% last month).

Journalist Aaron Rupar shared a clip of Trump’s quote. Critics who can remember what life was like back then have shared some memories in return.


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