PORTLAND, Ore.COIN) – Protests calling for a ceasefire in Gaza took to the streets after police freed the occupants of Portland State University’s Millar Library, bringing large crowds of other protesters in the mixture.
The night began with a car that drove through the crowd and parked in the middle of a street, where KOIN 6 News reporters saw someone get out of the car and run away. Video footage showed a man spraying people in the crowd.
Protests continue after PSU library emptied, at least 22 arrests
According to the Portland Police Bureau, “PSU located the man responsible and took him to a hospital for mental health care.”
The man’s identity is unclear and police said they do not plan to reveal his personal information.
Protesters were seen fleeing the building when police wearing riot gear entered the building at around 9am. broke out in off-campus areas.
PPB previously said it did not plan to use tear gas against protesters inside the building. However, the chemical munitions appeared to be administered outdoors when the protest made your way out.
Authorities also noted that the officers were armed with less-lethal 40mm launchers, which they said are regulated by Portland police use-of-force policies.
KOIN 6 reporters saw protesters pushing and tearing down police tape, resulting in police threatening to arrest anyone who crossed the lines.
VIDEO: Protesters flee library as police make arrests at Portland State University
At a press conference Thursday afternoon, Mayor Ted Wheeler questioned the logic behind the decision to harm local businesses in an effort to protest the ongoing conflict between Gaza and Israel.
“If you believe that by damaging a company, which frankly harms the frontline employees who work at those companies – we have reports that they have been injured, that they have been traumatized,” Wheeler said. “If you believe that damaging these companies or destroying a library on a university campus will impact events in the Middle East, you are delusional.”
Stay with KOIN 6 News as this story develops.
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