Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestseller “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, he argued in a recent article that there are many different types of investors – but just a mindset that will make you rich and will not require you to go to the bank. This is the archetype he called the creative investor. A creative investor, unlike a packaged investor, learns about the various components and intricacies of investing rather than simply purchasing pre-packaged goods sold to him by a broker or bank.
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“This type of investor creates investments. They generally build a business in the same way a person who buys components builds a computer. Just like building a computer from scratch, this type of investment requires time, talent, patience and knowledge”, detailed his blog.
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Raising capital is the key to wealth
In turn, there are three ways, he said, to achieve this.
“If you want to be a creative investor, you need to learn how to do the thing that stops most people: raising capital. The creative investor needs to know how to raise capital, even when the bank doesn’t give him money. The good news is that there are many ways to get money that don’t require a bank,” the article states.
The basis is financial education, on which you will need to develop three skills. This concept is something he has reiterated for years, most recently in a Instagram publish.
“If you want to be rich in today’s world, you need financial education and academic and professional training. In fact, the professionals I work with also have excellent financial training. That’s why we get along so well. And together we became rich”, posted Kiyosaki.
Here are three skills common to creative investors:
Find an opportunity that everyone missed
“See with your mind what others do not perceive with their eyes,” he wrote.
“Use the example of a man who bought an old, run-down house that was scary to look at. Everyone around him would wonder why he bought that; but he had seen what others had not. After going to the real estate agency, he discovered that the house came with four extra lots. After buying the house, he simply demolished it and sold the five lots to a developer for three times the amount he paid for the entire package. He earned $75,000 for two months of work. It’s not a lot of money, but it’s definitely better than minimum wage. And it’s not technically difficult. It just took a different mindset,” he explained.
Save money
He argued that investors need to reshape their thinking about money.
“The average person only goes to the bank to get money. When a good opportunity comes along, they say, ‘The bank won’t lend me money’ or ‘I don’t have the money to buy it.’ The average investor’s mentality toward money and investments holds him back,” he wrote.
Organize smart people
Smart people work with or hire people who are smarter than them, according to Kiyosaki. In other words, surround yourself with experts.
“When you need advice, make sure you choose your advisors wisely,” he added.
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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates. with: ‘Rich Dad’ Robert Kiyosaki: 3 Ways Investors Can Get Money Without Going to the Bank