Choosing to be hairless in areas like your legs, arms, and pubic area is your prerogative, but when it comes to the hair that lives inside your nose, it’s best to leave it intact.
“The nose is a delicate area with numerous blood vessels and mucous membranes,” he said. Dr., an Idaho-based board-certified otolaryngologist (also known as an ear, nose and throat specialist). Whether you’re doing it yourself or getting it done at a salon, plucking your nose hair—especially if done improperly or without proper hygiene practices—can increase your risk of infection, leading to complications like nasal folliculitis or cellulitis. .
Below, we spoke to experts to learn about the risks of waxing and tweezing nose hair, as well as safer alternatives.
The importance of nose hair
You may not have given nose hairs a second thought (other than how unsightly they can be), but the fact is they’re there for a reason.
“The main function of nose hair is to trap dust, pollen and other airborne particles so that the air you breathe is partially filtered,” he said. Dr. Michael Jacobs, New York-based board-certified dermatologist and associate professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College. He explained that hair acts as a physical barrier, preventing these allergens from entering the nasal passages and causing irritation or damage to the respiratory system.
Nose hair also plays a protective role, warning us of potential dangers, Beasley said. “When something touches the hairs in the nostrils, such as a small insect or other irritant, it triggers a reflexive sneeze, which is the body’s way of expelling the intruder or irritant,” he explained.
Additionally, nose hair helps maintain optimal moisture levels in the nasal passages. “Nose hair traps moisture in exhaled air, preventing the nasal passages from becoming too dry,” Beasley said. “This moisture helps humidify the air we breathe, making it more comfortable for our respiratory systems.”
What are the risks of waxing your nose?
Nose waxing can be tempting because it provides longer-lasting results compared to alternative methods like trimming. But completely removing nose hair means removing the filtration system that is essential to keeping your nose healthy and preventing infections like nasal vestibulitis and nasal abscess, he said. Dr., a board-certified otolaryngologist based in Delaware. “While waxing does not necessarily weaken the immune system, it disrupts the skin barrier by creating openings for bacteria to enter deeper tissues, thus creating the opportunity for infection,” she said.
Nose waxing can also have some side effects, especially if it is carried out in the hands of an untrained person – or if you do it yourself. For one thing, Aaronson said wax that’s too hot can burn the nasal mucosa, or the tissue lining the nasal cavity. This removal of the top layer of skin can also create small injuries to the nose and increase the risk of infection. Additionally, waxing can be an irritating process in general. “Nose waxing can be an uncomfortable experience as the delicate nasal passages can be sensitive to the tugging sensation, which can cause temporary pain, redness and irritation,” said Beasley.
Ingrown hairs can also be a problem with nose waxing. “An ingrown hair occurs after a hair is removed, when the new hair that regenerates from the follicle cannot break through the skin,” explained Aaronson. “Because waxing pulls out hair from the root, the hair must find its way out of the outer layer of the skin again (unlike other hair removal methods where the hair is left on the surface of the skin).”
So, how about partial nose hair removal (that is, removing only the hair located on the front of the nose)? Aaronson said to avoid this practice as it “carries all the same risks of nasal vestibulitis, ingrown hairs and burns.” Finally, Jacobs cautioned against completely shaving your nose hair to avoid the risk of inhaling more toxins and particles, irritating your nasal membranes and creating ingrown hairs.
Alternatives to nose waxing
Waxing and partial waxing are now out of the question, and you can also add tweezing to the list. Aaronson said to avoid plucking nose hair, noting that she had to perform incision and drainage of nasal abscesses related to nasal hair plucking. “I wouldn’t recommend this nose hair removal method,” she said.
If you find that your nose hair is growing to long, unsightly heights, try carefully trimming it with clean eyebrow scissors, which are effective in removing stray hairs that are visibly under the nostril. If you’re worried about hurting yourself during this process, opt for angled scissors with rounded tips, as they reduce the risk of accidental nicks and cuts and are strategically shaped to reach hard-to-reach areas. To trim hairs deeper inside your nose, opt for an electric trimmer – they’re safe and easy to use and require minimal effort on your part.
These two methods of trimming nose hair – rounded scissors and electric trimmers – are much safer alternatives to waxing and help prevent the risk of ingrown hairs and irritation.This article originally appeared on HuffPost.