Since the first major tank battle at Cambrai on November 20, 1917, the great and the good have predicted the end of these armored beasts. However, more than 100 years later, the metal box with tracks and a gun still destroys the battlefields of Eastern Europe. The adaptability of the basic tank platform is as valuable today as it was at Cambrai.
Ukraine has altered assumptions about the future of war. In the West, we “armchair generals” saw technology as the path to victory. Our own Ministry of Defense may have taken this too far, and a new government will need to address the problem urgently. Land war in Europe with Russia is still a possibility, but hardly a reality with our 100 tanks and 70,000 soldiers.
The new scourge of mass drone attacks is concentrating minds. Our Defense Science and Technology Laboratory appears to have an answer with its “Dragon Fire” laser system, which can shoot down multiple drones at £10 per shot, but not for a few years. The Germans, masters of developing armored warfare, may have found a viable solution: the “Frankenstein” tank which is apparently already on its way to Ukraine.
This modified Leopard 1 tank, with a 35mm Skymaster automatic machine gun, will attack fear in the heart of Vladimir Putin. Most importantly, it will be ready soon, can shoot down multiple drones at low cost, will be highly mobile and will provide a high level of crew protection. We have also seen 35mm caliber cannons on other vehicles take out Russian tanks on several occasions.
Using expensive missiles to shoot down thousands of cheap drones is unsustainable and has been exploited by Russian attackers. But this tank, with thousands of rounds of cheap ammunition, can do the job. Another important element is that tank manufacturer Rheinmetall has opened a workshop in Ukraine. This is a vital step toward giving Kiev what it needs to win: producing and repairing weapons domestically, rather than relying on expensive, sometimes delayed, imports.
This could tip the balance in Ukraine’s favor as much as any weapon in the coming months. It seems likely that “he who wins the drone battle will win this war.” Right now, Ukraine appears more skilled and innovative in this area, and the advent of this tank could not only help spur ground forces to victory, but also protect the cities and villages that are so often attacked indiscriminately by Russian drones.
The Frankenstein tank makes perfect sense on the modern battlefield; It may not be a tank in the purest sense, but we tankmen, throughout the ages, like to think we are flexible and adaptable. After all, we got off our horses in the First World War, much to the chagrin of many.
Let’s hope the designers of our “new” model army and our “new” Challenger 3 tank are paying attention in Whitehall and Westminster.