The debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump greatly worries each of the candidates. The risk for both is extremely high — the risk of providing destructive material that serves the other’s campaign, which is not difficult to happen.
Debates in the world of social networks today are no longer clashes between two human beings — political characters. What really counts are the clippings of 15, 20, maximum 30 seconds to be “sealed” on social media.
But the debate between Biden and Trump also worries the entire planet. What will be looked at very carefully in this confrontation is the mental state of each of them. Biden suffers from the image of a broken and tired old man. And Trump, with the image of an old man devoid of control and scruples — and getting confused in his speeches too.
It is also worrying that the debate is important even for a very small number of voters. Those who are capable of making six out of the 50 states lean one way or the other. And, therefore, deciding in an electoral college who will be the president of what is still the main economic, military and political power on the planet, which today faces a domestic challenge that is even more worrying than the challenges to its leadership capacity in the international system: the challenge of a broken society.