MAGNETS could be attractive to duds in the bedroom, scientists say.
One study found that electromagnetic waves helped men with erectile dysfunction.
In one trial, 20 middle-aged men sat in a magnetic chair while pulses were directed to the groin, stimulating and strengthening the muscles attached to the penis.
The men, who had moderate or severe erectile dysfunction at the beginning, underwent the therapy for 30 minutes, twice a week, for eight weeks.
In the end, one was cured and 14 ended up with “mild to moderate” dysfunction.
Dr. Daniel Galimberti, who led the Argentine study, said muscle strengthening could be a long-term solution, while pills like Viagra only last one night.
He added: “For most men with ED, the ideal outcome is a lasting solution, which is something this can potentially accomplish.”
He said stronger pelvic floor muscles would increase blood pressure in the penis and help blood stay there.
Patients can also “take back control” of their manhood by becoming more muscle aware.
The chair, nicknamed Dr. Arnold, already helps women strengthen their pelvic floor after giving birth and combat incontinence.
Manufacturer Deka, which was involved in the study, said it could also help men with similar problems common after prostate surgery.
The NHS states that erectile dysfunction is very common in men over 40 and tends to worsen with age.
Low weight, diet and alcohol consumption increase the risk.
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