An urgent health warning has been issued after an E.coli outbreak left dozens hospitalized.
More than 100 people across the UK are sick, the UK Health and Safety Agency says.
They believe the source to be a “nationally distributed food” or “multiple foods” but have not provided any additional information.
E. coli can be transmitted by eating contaminated food.
All cases recorded in the outbreak involve Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O145 (Stec), with 81 cases in England, 18 in Wales, 13 in Scotland and one person in Northern Ireland believed to have acquired Stec in England.
The UKHSA said the 113 cases appeared to be linked. Around 37 people were rushed to hospital.
Most people recover within two weeks, but there is a risk of more serious consequences – especially for young children and older adults.
Some people may develop a life-threatening form of kidney failure,
E. coli bacteria are generally harmless and live in the intestines of humans and animals.
But some strains, like Stec, produce toxins that make people sick.
People infected with Stec can suffer from diarrhea and about half of cases experience bloody diarrhea. Other symptoms include stomach cramps and fever.
E. coli can also be transmitted through contact with an infected person, an infected animal or their environment, but the UKHSA said this outbreak is unlikely to be linked to farms, drinking or swimming in contaminated water.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is working with the UKHSA to identify the source of the illness, “which is likely to be linked to one or more food products”, said Darren Whitby, head of incidents and resilience at the FSA.
“We always advise consumers and those caring for vulnerable people to ensure that good hygiene practices are followed when handling and preparing food,” he added.
“[This means] regularly wash your hands with soap and warm water and ensure that equipment, utensils and surfaces that food comes into contact with are thoroughly cleaned to avoid cross-contamination.
“You should not prepare food for others if you have symptoms or for 48 hours after your symptoms have disappeared.”
Trish Mannes, UKHSA incident director, said: “If you have diarrhea and vomiting, you can take steps to avoid passing it on to family and friends.
“ has information about what to do if you have symptoms and when to seek medical advice.
“Washing your hands with soap and warm water and using disinfectants to clean surfaces will help prevent the spread of infections.
“If you are unwell, with diarrhea and vomiting, you should not prepare food for others while you are ill and avoid visiting people in hospitals or care homes to avoid passing on the infection in these settings.
E. coli outbreak in the UK
• 81 in England
• 18 in Wales
• 13 in Scotland
• 1 in Northern Ireland (in this case, evidence suggests they contracted the infection while visiting England)
“Do not return to work, school or daycare until 48 hours after symptoms disappear.”
It was yesterday revealed that a mysterious E. coli outbreak that swept the UK last year and left one person dead probably came from minced meat.
Authorities investigated the outbreak, which also left dozens of people “seriously ill” and found that meat was the likely cause.
The wave of serious gastrointestinal illnesses was first detected by the UKHSA in June 2023.
Authorities were able to determine that the outbreak was being caused by STEC O183:H18 – a rare strain of E. coli that leaves patients with bloody diarrhea, as well as stomach pains, fever and vomiting.
But how the British became infected with the bacteria remains a mystery.
At the time, authorities suggested that hard cheese, strawberries, cucumbers, peppers and watermelon could be the source.
As the STEC strain that causes the disease is rarely seen in the UK and patients appeared to be experiencing severe symptoms, an incident management team meeting was called.
Report published in the magazine Microbial Genomics confirmed that patients likely contracted the disease from eating beef burgers or minced meat.
UKHSA guidance on prevention:
• Wash your hands regularly with warm water and soap – alcohol gel does not kill all the insects that cause diarrhea
• Follow food hygiene measures, such as washing fruits and vegetables and cooking food properly
• If you have diarrhea and vomiting, you should not prepare food for others and avoid visiting people in hospitals or nursing homes to avoid passing on the infection
• You should not return to work, school or daycare until 48 hours after your symptoms disappear
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