Rainbow – The most well-known Gay Pride flag, first launched in 1978
Progress – Gay Pride Flag incorporating trans, black and brown people
Bisexual – People who are attracted to both men and women
Pansexual – This flag refers to people who are attracted to all genders
Non-binary – A flag for those people who do not identify as male or female
Transgender – People who identify as a gender different from their birth sex
Asexual – This refers to a person who does not feel sexual attraction
Intersex – A person born with a combination of male and female biological characteristics
Gay Men – The flag for men who are attracted to other men
Lesbian – The flag for women who are attracted to other women
(Bottom row)
Polysexual – Sexual or romantic attraction to more than one gender
Agender – A person who has rejected their gender identity and has none
Androgynous – Someone whose appearance is neither masculine nor feminine
Genderfluid – Feeling like you have more than one gender or that changes
Genderqueer – Is someone who does not follow binary gender norms.
Neutrois – Referring to a person who does not have a specific gender identity
Aromantic – Someone who has little or no romantic feelings for others
Demisexual – Feeling sexually attracted to someone only after becoming emotionally close
Demiromantic – Romantic attraction to someone only after becoming emotionally close
Polyamorous – Having relationships with several people at the same time
Straight Ally – Someone who is straight but supports the LGBTQ+ community
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