Huge rise in people seeking NHS advice about heat exhaustion as temperatures rise – 10 red flag signs you should know about

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The number of people seeking NHS advice about heat exhaustion has increased as temperatures soar across the UK.

The NHS said page views of its thermal health advice have more than doubled in the past 48 hours after Brits were warned to expect temperatures of up to 31C.


Heat exhaustion can cause excessive sweating, as well as tiredness, nausea and crampsCredit: Getty

It comes after NHS leaders warned that services would face “major disruption” as a result of the hot weather and the upcoming strike by junior doctors.

Yellow heat health warnings are in effect in many parts of the country until Thursday, when doctors will down tools during five days of industrial action.

These alerts are issued during periods of heat that can impact the health of vulnerable people, such as the elderly or people with multiple health problems.

Charities have warned that people with dementia in particular could be at risk during rising temperatures, urging people to check on loved ones with the condition.

The heat health warning came into force on Monday and since then the number of people seeking advice on how to cope in the hot weather has soared, the NHS said.

Figures from NHS England, which runs the NHS website, show there were 28,116 visits to the heat exhaustion page on June 24 and 25, compared with 13,598 over the weekend.

This represented an increase of 107%, with an average of one visit every six seconds.

Heat exhaustion occurs when your body becomes too hot and usually doesn’t need emergency medical help if you can calm down within 30 minutes.

But if you fail to cool down within the time limit, it could turn into heatstroke, which needs to be treated as an emergency.

Professor Sir Stephen Powis, NHS national medical director, said: “We have seen a significant increase in the number of people accessing the NHS website for heat-related health advice over the last 48 hours.

The ways your body reacts in hot weather – and when you should dial 999

“The website has lots of useful tips, including how to stay calm, the symptoms of heat exhaustion, what to do if someone is affected and when to seek medical advice.

“Hotter weather, together with the latest round of industrial action, will put extra pressure on NHS services and make the next some very difficult days.

“People should continue to use 999 for life-threatening emergencies and NHS 111 – via the NHS app, online or by phone – for other health problems.”

Signs of heat exhaustion include:

  1. Tiredness
  2. Dizziness
  3. Headache
  4. Feeling sick
  5. Sweaty or damp skin
  6. Cramps
  7. Rapid breathing or heartbeat
  8. A high temperature
  9. Being very thirsty
  10. Feeling weak

If someone is showing signs of heat exhaustion, they need to be cooled and given fluids.

The NHS advises taking them to a cool place, removing unnecessary clothing, giving them a rehydrating drink or cold water and cooling their skin with water, a fan or cold compresses wrapped in a cloth.

If the condition does not improve after 30 minutes of rest in a cool place, call 999.

How to Prevent Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke

  • Drink more cold drinks, especially if you are active or exercising
  • Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing
  • Avoid the sun between 11am and 3pm
  • Avoid excess alcohol
  • Avoid extreme exercise
  • If you are indoors, close the curtains and windows if it is warmer outside

Hot Weather Alert for Dementia

The Alzheimer’s Society has warned that dementia sufferers may be especially vulnerable to dehydration during this week’s hot weather.

People with memory problems can easily forget to drink water and are at risk of becoming easily dehydrated as temperatures rise.

Katherine Gray, head of research at the Alzheimer’s Society, said: “People should absolutely take advantage of Cool We’re finally having it, but it’s important to note that high temperatures can lead to serious health problems for people with dementia unless they take special precautions to stay cool and well hydrated.

“People with dementia may forget to drink enough fluids and wear appropriate clothing.

“As temperatures rise this week, we are asking families and carers to check on people with dementia to ensure they are staying hydrated, wearing light clothing and staying out of direct sunlight.

Popping in to check on a neighbor, friend or family member with dementia can help keep them safe during the hot weather.”

The charity advised leaving glasses or jugs of water within reach, sharing a drink with the person, leaving reminders to drink and providing foods with a high water content.

What happens to your body during hot weather

WHILE many of us head outside to soak up the sun when warm weather arrives, warmer temperatures also bring health risks.

Here’s how hot weather can affect your body:

  1. You can become dehydrated – when your body is losing more fluids than it can absorb. Dehydration can be dangerous if left untreated
  2. You may overheat – may worsen symptoms in people who already have heart or respiratory problems
  3. You May Develop Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke – heat exhaustion doesn’t need medical attention if you can cool down within 30 minutes, but heat stroke should be treated as an emergency
  4. Hot weather puts stress on the heart and lungs – most serious illnesses and deaths caused by heat are respiratory and cardiovascular. The elderly, people with pre-existing health problems and young children are particularly at risk.
  5. Overexposure to the sun can cause sunburn and put you at risk for skin cancer – it does not need to be hot for the UV index to be high

A heat wave can affect anyone, but the most vulnerable people are:

  • Elderly people – especially those over 75 and women
  • Those who live alone or in a nursing home
  • People who have a serious or long-term illness, including heart or lung problems, diabetes, kidney disease, Parkinson’s disease or some mental health problems
  • People taking several medications that may make them more likely to be seriously affected by hot weather
  • Those who may have difficulty staying calm – babies and very young children, people who are bedridden, people addicted to drugs or alcohol or with Alzheimer’s disease
  • People who spend a lot of time outside or in hot places – those who live in a top-floor apartment, the homeless or those who work outside

Sources: NHS, Met Office

Jelly Drops are an alternative way to help people with dementia increase their daily water intake.

As well as ensuring your loved one with dementia is hydrated, the charity has provided the following tips to keep them safe as temperatures rise:

  • Make sure they are dressed in loose-fitting, light-colored clothing made from natural fibers to prevent overheating. An outdoor hat or cap is also a good idea.
  • Keeping curtains or blinds closed during the day – especially in sunny, south-facing rooms – can help keep things cool. At night, open the windows to let warm air out and cooler air in.
  • Avoid the sun at the hottest times – between 11am and 3pm. If you are outside, look for plenty of shade. Wear a hat and keep a bottle of high-factor sunscreen to reapply regularly.
  • Try placing a frozen bottle of water or an ice pack next to a fan for a DIY air conditioner. Or place a towel and some ice water nearby.
  • If you don’t live near the person or are worried about someone, ask a friend or neighbor to come over and check if everything is okay.

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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