LAZINESS is why 12.4 million Brits are at risk of deadly conditions due to their inability to get a crucial 22 minutes of daily exercise, experts have warned.
The world Health Organization states that training is essential to avoid the risk of Type 2 diabetesheart attacks, strokecancer and insanity.
But about 31 percent of people – 1.8 billion adults – around the world fail move enough.
Personal trainer Jenny Francis tells Nikki Watkins how to combat laziness the lazy way, by incorporating 22 minutes of activity a day – two and a half hours a week – into your normal routine.
1 MINUTE: When you wake up, sit on the edge of the bed and lean from side to side with your arms up.
This stretches and works the core. When he gets up, he sits down again and repeats “getting out of bed” sitting down ten times.
You’ll wake up your glutes, the group of muscles that make up the buttocks region, and get the blood pumping immediately.
2 MINUTES: While the kettle boils for your morning cuppa, do bodyweight squats. Just two minutes of this will get your heart rate up and seriously work your glutes.
2 MINUTES: When brushing your teeth, walk from side to side. This seems low-intensity, but it actually significantly increases your heart rate and gets those extra steps towards your 10k a day.
2 MINUTES: Do you have children to prepare for school? Every morning, put on your favorite bop and do an energetic dance together in the kitchen before breakfast. Not only will you get a two-minute workout, but you’ll also improve everyone’s mood by getting your endorphins pumping.
1 MINUTE: Stuck behind a desk? Don’t worry, you can still work that core. Sit up straight and lift both feet off the floor, with your knees still bent, hold for a second at the top and then lower. This will strengthen your abdominal muscles and prevent you from sitting still for too long if repeated throughout the day.
3 MINUTES: Is your mother or colleague prone to long phone calls? Take the chat on the go. A brisk walk while attending not only raises your heart rate and gets you moving, but it also prevents you from being sedentary for longer periods of the day.
2 MINUTES: That basket of wet laundry can also improve your health. When pinning clothes, instead of bending over and arching your back to pick up each item before hanging it, bend your knees, squat, and stand up straight.
Most laundry loads are at least 20 pieces. There are 20 squats that will lead to a firmer bottom.
5 MINUTES: When you go to the stores, make the trip worthwhile by returning with a shopping bag in each hand. That added weight works your core and shoulders while taking those all-important steps.
2 MINUTES: When you get home, before putting away your items, you have two practical “dumbbells” in your hands. Do 20 biceps curls holding bags before unpacking your groceries.
2 MINUTES: Do you always look like you’re in the kitchen? Make what seems like dead time work for your health. While you wait for the sauce to thicken or the microwave to beep, march in place. This increases your heart rate and counts towards your daily step goal.
This story originally appeared on read the full story