Maine combats housing crisis with rent relief
For a maximum of two years, a new rent relief pilot program could put $800 in your pocket every month.
The goal of direct payments is to reduce the number of low-income Maine residents who face homelessness due to eviction.
According to Central Mainethe new pilot program will receive $18 million from the state of Maine’s $430 million supplemental budget.
Tenants most likely to be evicted could receive up to $800 in rent paid directly to their landlord for a maximum period of two years under the terms of the rent relief bill.
Claiming Lost Money in California
Recipients have two years to activate their cards and access their funds, but must contact FTB staff at 1-800-240-0223 to begin the process.
Reminder letters will be sent as stated by the FTB.
Individuals who believe they did not receive their card or need to report it as lost or stolen should also contact the same number to request a replacement.
According to the FTB, a significant portion of cards activated or used by beneficiaries still contain unused funds.
Only 46% of cards have a zero balance.
More than $125 million unclaimed in California, finds
An analysis by California’s Franchise Tax Board (FTB), reported by Los Angeles TV station KTLA, revealed that a significant number of residents have not claimed the money they are entitled to.
Approximately 7.2 million Californians received their Middle Class Tax Refund (MCTR) payments directly into their bank accounts, totaling $4 billion.
An additional 9.6 million people received special debit cards, with these funds totaling $5.2 billion.
According to the FTB, only 90% of these preloaded cards were activated and another 3.5% were converted into checks.
That leaves about 624,000 cards unused, with the unclaimed money on those cards totaling $125 million, KTLA reported.
More than $125 million unclaimed in California, continued
Officially known as the Middle Class Tax Refund (MCTR), this one-time payment was intended to help Californians with the rising cost of living as inflation rises in 2022.
The amounts allocated to individuals varied depending on their circumstances, ranging from approximately US$200 to US$1,050.
Some residents received the money directly into their bank accounts, while others received debit cards loaded with benefits. However, more than half a million of these cards have not yet been activated.
Any unused benefits will no longer be accessible after the program ends on April 30, 2026.
More than $125 million unclaimed in California
An analysis revealed that a fund of at least 125 million dollars remains unclaimed because hundreds of thousands of people have not collected the financial assistance provided to them.
In California, 624,000 residents did not take advantage of inflation relief payments distributed to all but the state’s wealthiest residents for a News week report.
The first payments were issued in October 2022 and the program concluded in September 2023.
Energy Corporation Pays Employees, Continued
Those eligible for settlement checks will be divided into two groups.
The first group consists of those laid off by Talen Energy, while the second includes those who were not laid off but would not be entitled to pension benefits.
Group Two members are eligible for $4,000 checks, while Group One will receive an equal share of the remaining pot.
Those who are eligible do not need to fill out a claim form to receive payment; however, they must submit an extension form by July 1 if they wish to deposit the payment into an existing retirement account.
Qualified individuals can find more information and the rollover form at TalenPensionSettlement. with.
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