As a heat wave sweeps across the US, energy bills are skyrocketing as a result.
But there are several ways to reduce your energy consumption as you try to stay cool this summer.
If you find yourself in financial trouble after paying last month’s electric bill, you’re not alone.
But don’t panic.
You probably haven’t checked your home for vampire appliances or energy vampires.
These are devices and electronics that consume energy when they are connected, even when they are not being used.
Read more about energy saving
Unplugging unused electronics can help you save hundreds of dollars on energy bills, especially during the peak heat season.
Here are some vampire gadgets that could be sucking your money.
Although small household appliances do not consume much energy individually, they consume a lot of energy when connected together.
Just Energy advises users to choose items without a clock or digital display to reduce energy consumption.
Although they are tiny, they can make a big impact when connected constantly.
Go to the bathroom and unplug your fully charged toothbrush, which doesn’t need to be constantly in the charging dock.
Also, remember that your toothbrush doesn’t need a full night’s sleep to charge.
Anyone who has an office at home probably keeps the printer turned on daily.
It is recommended to use power strips and turn them off when not in use to save money when multiple devices are connected.
Shutting down PCs and laptops can save you up to $20 with just one device, according to Department of Energy (DOE).
What is vampire energy?
Vampire Energy, phantom power or standby power, is the electricity that some devices use when they are turned off, but still plugged into an electrical outlet, by the electricity company and gas supplier, Just Energy.
Electronics are the biggest culprits and other “smart” devices that have a built-in clock or digital display.
In certain cases, electricity will continue to flow through an adapter that transforms AC power into DC power.
This can happen even when the device is fully charged or not in use.
The cost of vampire power is estimated at $165 per family or $19 billion annually nationwide, according to the report. National Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
AC units use about 6% of all energy in the U.S., according to the DOE.
Make sure to unplug and turn off your air conditioner when you are not at home to save a lot of time.
It’s essential to turn off your dishwasher when you’re not using it to save money.
But you should also lower the heating temperature in your washes.
And you can use the hack-rack method if it’s offered at your unit.
The US Sun spoke to a money expert about how his hoodie trick earned him free money and alternative sources of income.
Plus, a workout equipment deal can put some extra cash in your pocket.
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