APPLEBEE’S is reviving a fan-favorite deal with classic appetizers — but not everyone is impressed.
The chain will offer 50-cent mozzarella sticks for a limited time.
However, some have pointed out some tricky price tags.
The fifty-cent cost is per mozzarella stick, not per serving.
That means a minimum serving of four mozzarella sticks costs $2.
Offer ends July 28th.
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“Our hot, crispy, melty mozzarella sticks are packed with flavor and perfect for dipping — and pulling (cheese),” said Joel Yashinsky, Applebee’s chief marketing officer in a statement. Press release.
While some were excited about the deal, other customers expressed concerns about the prices on Facebook.
“This is a marketing trick,” said one, referring to the 50 cents on each price.
“EACH?!” another commented. “I can get a whole box at Costco for about 15-20 cents each.”
A frozen package of 82-92 frozen mozzarella sticks costs about $20 at Costco.
At Applebee’s, the maximum amount you can order is 10 four-piece servings.
That means you can get 40 mozzarella sticks for just $20.
There are just a few weeks left until you can get some discounted mozzarella.
Discount participation may vary depending on location.
Our hot, crispy, melty mozzarella sticks are packed with flavor and perfect for dipping and pulling (cheese)”
Joel YashinskyApplebee’s CMO
Applebee’s is known for offering limited-time sales.
The company recently cut appetizer prices in half at certain times.
Many locations will participate in half-price apps during the early hours of the morning.
This typically means around 9pm until closing.
However, not all businesses are profitable.
A popular Red Lobster promotion, all-you-can-eat shrimp, helped drive the chain out of business.
Recently, an Applebee’s customer was told that his tip was too high.
The chain closed some locations – leaving customers surprised.
This story originally appeared on read the full story