
Reddit updates down – Thousands of users report app and website outages as complaints come in

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Users making ‘withdrawals’

Reddit users are furious about the outage and one even says they are making “withdrawals.”

“I’m making withdrawals without Reddit,” one wrote on Fall detector.

“I’m having connection issues and errors at the moment,” added another.

“Nothing is carrying for me. It seems like this happens several times a week lately,” agreed a third.

Analysis of the most reported problems

The most reported problems are associated with the application.

Most of the problems are associated with the Reddit applicationCredit: Downdetector

reddit disabled

Reddit is reportedly down for more than 27,000 users, according to Fall detector.

The outage peaked at over 27,000 reports
The outage peaked at over 27,000 reportsCredit: Downdetector

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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