FACEBOOK users are threatening to abandon the popular platform after receiving dozens of spam photo and video tags on their accounts.
Receiving spam messages on social media is nothing new, but some people worry that things have changed recently on Facebook.
Users have reported receiving an increase in the number of fake tags on their accounts over the past week, sometimes dozens in a single day.
“I’ve been on Facebook for over 12 years, I might finally quit because of endless spam tags the last two days on inappropriate posts,” read one post on Facebook’s Reddit thread (r/facebook).
“In the last two days I have received over 20 spam posts tagging me. Usually a photo of a woman breast-feeding and some kind of link,” RutabagaMurky2126 (u/RutabagaMurky2126) explained.
And while savvy social media users know how to prevent tags from being shared with the public, dealing with all the notifications can be a pain.
“I’ve made my settings, so I have to pre-approve everything I’m tagged in. But it’s getting so annoying that it might actually be what makes me leave Facebook if this continues any longer,” the user wrote.
And they added that they blame Facebook for the problem.
“What irritates me most is that Facebook could easily fix this by putting limits on who can tag who, like making it so only friends can tag or some similar limit… I’m imagining innocent elderly people facing this problem and can imagine that be a little mortifying.”
Other Facebook users agreed that they were fed up with the problem.
“Is anyone else being randomly tagged in these inappropriate spam ‘videos’ on Facebook? I never dealt with this until last week and now it’s several a day,” zeppelinbm (you/zeppelinbm) commented on the same topic.
Several reports about the increase in spam have been reported by the internet observer website Distract on Tuesday.
Reporters confirmed that several people said they were being tagged in breastfeeding videos, but said it was unclear why this genre of clips was being used.
Fortunately, there are some simple solutions to stop spam tags from clogging up your Facebook account.
If you can’t stop spammers from tagging you, you can at least stop the tags from appearing on your profile.
It only takes a few simple steps to set up your Facebook account so that all photo, video, or post tags require your approval before they can be shared with your audience.
To get started, go to your Facebook page and click on your profile picture.
Select See all profiles to choose the page you want to manage.
Choose Who Sees Your Facebook Photo Tags
Choose who can see posts you’re tagged in after they appear on your profile. See how:
- Click on your profile photo in the top right corner of Facebook.
- Select Settings and privacythen click settings.
- In the left column, click Profile and tagging.
- Look for the setting Who can see posts you’ve been tagged in on your profile? and click To edit on the far right.
- Select the people audience (like Friends) who you would like to be able to see the posts you have been tagged in.
You can also review photos and posts you’ve been tagged in before they appear on your profile using Review posts you’ve been tagged in before the post appears on your profile? in your Profile and tagging settings.
Remember that photos and posts you hide from your profile are visible to the public you share them with in other places on Facebook, like in Feed and search.
See your Profile and tagging settings.
Once highlighted, go to the Settings & Privacy tab and click on the Page & Tagging option.
There, you can access the Tagging and Review sections, which let you choose who can tag you and who can see when you’re tagged.
Choose from several options, including making your tags automatically available to the public, your friends, or just yourself.
Then choose whether any images or videos can go live without your prior approval, or whether you want to give the green light to everything that happens on your page.
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story