
Apple closes ‘security threat’ to millions of AirPods – two numbers in headphone settings reveal whether you’re safe

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APPLE has addressed a ‘security threat’ that could leave its headphones vulnerable to hackers.

Several AirPods and Beats have received a new firmware update to prevent attackers from gaining access to the headphones.


Apple AirPods Pro have been affected by a security threat and need to be updatedCredit: Getty
Second and third generation AirPods have just been updated with the latest firmware


Second and third generation AirPods have just been updated with the latest firmwareCredit: Alamy
Apple AirPods Max and Beats headphones are also affected by the latest update


Apple AirPods Max and Beats headphones are also affected by the latest updateCredit: Getty

Affected products include AirPods Pro (all models), AirPods Max, second- and third-generation AirPods, Beats Fit Pro, and PowerBeats Pro.

Owners of the above products can check their settings to see if their devices require the new firmware.

Users can identify their AirPods under “Bluetooth” in “Settings” on their Apple iOS devices.

A list of all previously paired devices should appear, including the users’ AirPods.

Next to “AirPods,” there will be a blue button with a lowercase “i” for “Information.”

After clicking the blue button, information about the AirPods such as model names, numbers, serial numbers and versions will be available.

The latest firmware update will be revealed under “Versions”.

The second and third generation AirPod Pros have the latest 6F8 firmware update.

Beats Fit Pro and PowerBeats Pro should also have 648 as their latest firmware version.

Second- and third-generation AirPods, first-generation AirPods Pro, and AirPods Max should have the latest firmware update 6A326.

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If you have one of the above models and are updated to the latest firmware 648 or 6A326, you are protected from potential threats.


If you own one of the affected products and don’t have the latest firmware, your AirPods could be vulnerable to attack.

Apple launched a security update on Tuesday, warning AirPod users that when they’re searching for a connection request, an attacker in Bluetooth range could gain access to their headphones.

When AirPods sought to connect to previously paired devices, a nearby hacker could make their device appear to be the user’s and control their headphones.

How to clean AirPods

It’s important to keep your AirPods clean without damaging them. Follow the steps below to keep your AirPods in tip-top shape,

AirPods Max

  • Use a soft, dry, lint-free cloth
  • Clean them with a damp cloth if they have been exposed to any liquid that could cause damage
  • Wait until they are completely dry before using them
  • Avoid sharp objects or abrasive materials to clean them
  • (Same as above)
  • Clean the microphone and speaker with a dry cotton swab

AirPods and AirPods Pro

  • (Same as above)
  • Clean the microphone and speaker with a dry cotton swab

AirPods and AirPods Pro Cases

  • Lightly dampen the cloth with isopropyl alcohol or a soft, dry, lint-free cloth
  • Remove debris from the Lightning connection with a clean, dry, soft-bristled brush
  • Avoid placing anything in the charging ports

AirPod Pros ear tips

  • Use a dry, lint-free cloth with the ear tip facing down to remove any accumulated water
  • Pull the ear tips from the AirPods and rinse with water (do not use soap or household cleaners)
  • Clean the ear tips with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth and make sure they are completely dry before replacing them.

Apple said in the security update that the authentication issue has been resolved and improved.

If you haven’t updated your AirPods or Beats, you should do so to avoid vulnerabilities in your headphones.

AirPods are updated to the latest firmware when they’re in their case, connected to a power source, and paired with an iOS device.

It’s important to continually update your Apple devices to ensure you have the best versions.

Apple frequently fixes bugs and security issues with each update.

US Sun has reached out to Apple for comment.

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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