The D.C. Bar Association’s Board of Professional Responsibility on Friday recommended that Rudy Giuliani be barred from practicing law in the nation’s capital.
In its report, the board cited Giuliani’s work in Pennsylvania following the 2020 presidential election, in which he sought to have the state’s election results overturned in favor of his former client Donald Trump.
“The Board agrees with the Hearing Committee that the Disciplinary Board proved, by clear and convincing evidence, that Defendant violated the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct,” the report says. “With regard to sanction, we agree with the Hearing Committee that Defendant should be excluded.”
This report follows one from last year, in which a DC Bar disciplinary board also recommended Giuliani’s expulsion. The case now heads to the D.C. Court of Appeals, which will decide whether Giuliani, who previously served as mayor of New York City, will be removed from office.
In a statement provided to NBC News, Ted Goodman, a spokesman for Giuliani, blamed “partisan Democrats” for the report’s findings and said the decision would discourage lawyers from taking on Trump as a client.
“This recommendation comes as no surprise as Democratic supporters continue to destroy the credibility of the American justice system, all in an effort to defeat President Trump and maintain power,” Goodman said.
“Taking away the mayor’s law license is intended to discourage lawyers from representing clients like President Donald Trump or anyone else who is willing to stand up to the prevailing political establishment,” he added.
Goodman also called on “the rank-and-file members of the DC Bar to speak out against this irresponsible and un-American recommendation – whether you agree with the mayor’s policies or not.”
Giuliani has already obtained his law license suspended in New Yorkwhere a New York court ruled he made “demonstrably false and misleading statements” following the 2020 presidential election.
Another former Trump lawyer, Jenna Ellis, is barred from practicing law in Colorado for three years following the work she did for Trump after the last election.
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